Chapter 280 Faye’s True Colors, Coolest Girl in Town

Then, Jeanie spun around and looked at her, saying, “Mom, shouldn’t Yoyo be calling you Grandma?” Tears of joy rolled down Bertha’s face. “What did you call me earlier? You called me Mom! Jeanie, you finally remembered who I am!” Pulling Elise, Jeanie gazed at Bertha pleadingly as she said, “Mom, please don’t drive Yoyo away, okay?” Bertha gave her a nod. “Okay, she’s not going anywhere,” she uttered, turning to Elise. “Elise, stay and have a chat with her.” Having received approval, Elise answered, “Okay. I got it, Madam!” After glancing at the unlocked door, Bertha paced over and saw Faye standing outside.


“Didn’t you understand what I said, little fox? Get away from here.” Even though Faye wanted to say something more, Bertha slammed the door shut in her face with a loud bang. Snubbed and disgruntled, Faye stood outside until her expression gradually turned grim. Silently, her hands by her sides clenched tightly, and the servant in a corner paced to her cautiously before asking, “Are you okay, Miss Faye?” “I’m fine,” she answered in indifference. “Miss Faye, will our plans be ruined now that you got this outsider here?” the servant asked next. An icy glare from the corners of Faye’s eyes pierced through her.

“What sort of waves can a freshman who just entered university possibly cause? Since that lunatic likes her, I’ll take it as granting her final wish. She’s been my mother for years, after all. As for Elise Sinclair, she’s just a dumb b*tch who doesn’t want money; she even talked about the precious relationship between a mother and daughter—how ridiculous! There aren’t many idiots like her left in this world.” After saying that, she left the spot, but Bertha was standing by the door and had heard everything she just said. Only then did it hit her that she seemed to have the wrong idea about Elise.

Still, the expression on her face was normal, and there were no changes. “Yoyo, where have you been all these years? They all told me that you were dead. All of them said the same thing, but only I know that you’re not dead and you must be alive. And now, I finally see you again.” Filled with excitement, Jeanie wiped her tears as she spoke. However, Elise’s feelings toward her were very complicated because when they met for the first time, her eyes were brimming with maternal love for her. Not only did it touch her, it was also unforgettable. That was why she willingly accepted Faye’s request.

I waited far too long for you to call me Mom again.” Unexpectedly, Jeanie released her slowly, and the look on her

to her before standing up. Looking at her carefully, she continued, “I’m sorry. I think the things I say may be a little presumptuous, but when I first saw you, I really thought that

her. “Elise, may I call you by your name like this?” “Sure, of course,” Elise replied. “I know that you’re

coveting material gains, I can turn a blind eye to the things she’s doing. However, according to my investigations while pretending to be a lunatic, she might be involved with Austin and Trevor’s accident…” The moment the words left her lips, the atmosphere in the

as well as an a*shole!” Jeanie added. “She’s only willing to give up when Austin and Trevor are lying in the hospital beds now, completely incapable of moving! And now, I’m worried that she’ll lay her hands on us, too. So, we have no other choice now but to ask you for help, Elise,” she said, then she went down on her knees with a loud thud. “Elise, I’m

“I’m not getting up if you don’t agree,” Jeanie said instead. “We can talk about this properly! It’s very stressful for me if you’re acting like this!” Lifting her head, Jeanie looked at her. “Elise, I don’t have any other request. I would just like you to take care of my mother-in-law so that she won’t be harmed. There’s no one I can entrust her to now; I just hope that you can take care of her for me.” As Bertha listened to everything she said, tears flowed down

the fact that Elise didn’t want to be involved in other people’s family affairs, she was now caught in the midst of it by a twist of fate. Glancing at the old lady next to her, she thought, She should be enjoying her old age peacefully, but such a big change in her family happened. Then, she turned to Jeanie in front of her. From her elegance and temperament, I can tell she’s a respected

of Old Mrs. Anderson.” Upon receiving Elise’s promise, Jeanie was assured. “Thank you! If I can successfully expose Faye’s crimes and put her in jail, I’ll definitely repay you handsomely.” … On the other hand, Elise didn’t know why she promised Jeanie just like that. Perhaps it was because Jeanie carried a strong maternal affection for her when she looked at her, or maybe Jeanie’s affections for the deceased Yoyo touched her. Either way, she had decided to help the two miserable women in front of her. When Elise came out of the attic, there was already a servant waiting

for a meal once you’re out.” “No, thanks.” Elise turned her down. “I would like to bring Old Madam Anderson outside for a walk.” However, the servant said, “I’m sorry, Miss Sinclair, but Miss Faye already told us that Old Madam isn’t fit to go out because of her physical condition.” Immediately, Bertha said fiercely, “How can anyone stop me from going out?” “Old Madam, Miss Faye is worried about your health. If you really want to go out, I don’t have the nerves to stop you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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