Chapter 287 Spewing Nonsense,Coolest Girl in Town

At 6:00PM in the evening, Alexander parked his car in the parking space outside the school and walked Elise back to the dormitory. After a weekend together, the two of them became much more intimate than before. Along the way, they walked shoulder to shoulder and held hands. Their hands were held neither too loose nor too tight; it seemed that they couldn’t get rid of each other no matter what, and they could hold each other’s hands for a lifetime. Alexander enjoyed this kind of leisure time. Although he was busy, Elise’s life was more like an unpredictable spinning top—no one knew when it would stop.


It seemed that only this weekend of hers was entirely his, and he was not sure how long it would be until the next time. When he was in a trance, Elise suddenly stopped and mumbled to herself, “I brought a suitcase with me when we left, right?” Alexander smiled helplessly. When they got out of the car, the two of them only remembered to hold hands, and they really forgot to take the suitcase. He let go of her hand reluctantly and naturally pinched the tip of her nose. “Wait at the door of the dormitory. I’ll go get it.” After saying that, he lifted his foot and walked back. Elise stood there.

sounded from all directions. Ribbons slowly fell from the sky, covering her all over. “Congratulations, Elise!” “Welcome back, Erudite Elise!” “Elise, you are amazing. You are my idol!” “Woohoo!” Elise was a little confused by their enthusiasm and smiled awkwardly. “Thank you!” As

about this. Could it be that someone else has the same name as me, or looks a lot like me, and you’re mistaken?” “Oh, trust me. It can’t be wrong!” Addison stepped forward to take her arm and said firmly. “It was announced on the

into what that person said, she took it seriously. “Why is it scary? How is it scary? I just want everyone to know that I, Addison, don’t make friends based on their appearance. It’s not always about the face, but the actual strength. Some people have the look, but they’re merely like a

the back of her head before she raised her voice and said, “Oh, yes, exactly! One should never judge a book by its cover!” This candid speech instantly made everyone laugh out loud. In the distance, Janice approached with a book in her arms, and she happened to see the scene of people laughing and cheering around Elise. She blushed instantly, and the phrase, never judge a book by its cover, was especially harsh in her ears. Elise looked at Addison’s straightforward and naive appearance and patted her on the

Elise’s hand instantly. Like a frightened bird, she hid behind the crowd. “Oh, please spare me from this torture.” The crowd burst in laughter again. Janice’s brain was filled with the echoing laughter, and she couldn’t bear it any longer. Immediately, she rushed over to the crowd and shouted hysterically, “Enough is enough!” She pushed aside the crowd and stood directly opposite Elise. Her expression was a little grim

on Elise accidentally. Elise raised her hand in disgust to wipe the saliva off her cheeks and frowned slightly, feeling nauseated in her heart. Addison couldn’t bear it any longer, so she stepped forward to argue with Janice. “Why are you acting all crazy here, woman?!” Janice was extremely emotional. Her eyes widened, and she stared back at Addison. “This is my grudge with Elise. What does it have to do with you? Mind your own damn

out a smile, and tried her best to remain calm. “Janice, if I may, what did I do to provoke you again this time?” Janice felt guilty all of a sudden and tried to blame it all on Elise again. Immediately, she quibbled, “You really think I didn’t hear it? I heard and saw everything!” As if to prove it to everyone,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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