Chapter 301 Seek Truth From Facts,Coolest Girl in Town

Inside the private room, Elise was going to go to the restroom. “I’ll go with you!” As soon as she told Alexander that, he got up. Seeing his furrowed brows, Elise was between tears and laughter. “I’m just going to the restroom.” “What if my mom finds trouble with you?” This was what Alexander was worried about. Elise chuckled. “Hadn’t she already caused me trouble? She’s out in public, so she wouldn’t possibly not take care of her image. Don’t worry about me. I won’t be so easily affected.” She didn’t bump into Madeline or Maya in the restroom, but she heard other people’s discussion about her.


expect Young Master Alex’s fiancée to have such a history. She willingly became her godfather’s pawn, and she even got an abortion before!” “Otherwise, why would she conceal her real appearance? She’s just afraid of other people finding out about her, isn’t she?” “But she didn’t reveal it when she got engaged! Oh, my God! Is there something wrong with Young Master Alex? He actually likes someone as ugly as her!” “Maybe she hypnotized Young Master Alex!” “Then, let’s hurry up and expose her…” When Elise heard their chatter, she immediately realized that someone had deliberately slandered her and Quentin on

ordered, “Find out the ID number of the user who published false statements about me and Quentin. Find out who that person is!” Jamie froze upon hearing this. What false statement is she talking about? Why don’t I know about it? “Boss, was it posted on the Internet? Or…” Although his question was nonsensical, he truly didn’t understand what was going on. “What do you think?” Elise retorted coldly before hanging up the phone. Her expression was gloomy as she exited the restroom stall. The girls who were discussing her looked as if they had just seen a ghost, and they were shocked to

remind you all not to blindly follow the crowd if you don’t know the truth. Otherwise, you might get into trouble with the law!” She wasn’t a pushover who could be easily controlled. She was clear about the matter between her and Quentin, and she would never allow someone to create rumors and slander her. When one of the girls slowly recovered, she stood firm with her resentment toward Elise. “If it’s not true, why would someone expose you on the

me on the Internet just made some off-handed comments. Have

cold laugh. “W-What are you going to do?” Her smile and tone frightened the few girls, taking away their ability to speak properly. Elise didn’t back down, and her tone remained unchanged as she casually said, “What could I possibly do? All of you had better not leave the restroom. Otherwise, if the surveillance camera outside captures your faces, I’ll lodge a police

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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