Chapter 306 Without a Single Hesitation,Coolest Girl in Town

“You three stay and take care of the situation—I’ll go home and take a look.” Alexander pursed his lips and left. Back at Griffith Residence, Alexander immediately noticed with a glance that Robin, who was sitting on the sofa, had a gloomy face on, while Laura sat beside him with a sad look on her face. They had just returned from the police station. The police refused to let Elise go, so they wanted to find Alexander, which was why they came to Griffith’s residence. “Mr. Robin, Madam Laura, I’m deeply sorry for what happened.” Alexander stepped forward and bowed his head, admitting his mistake.


Originally, neither Robin nor Laura noticed that he was back, but when they heard his voice, they immediately raised their heads. “When I suggested this engagement with your grandfather, I thought that the relationship between our two families would last forever, and that my girl would have a good home. Tell me—what did you promise me when you first got engaged?” Seeing Alexander’s remorseful look, Robin grew even more furious and tapped the ground with his cane angrily. Elise had an accident here, and it was related to Alexander’s mother.

heard what Robin asked, he thought back, and his mind instantly took him back to how he and Elise looked when they met at the door of the restaurant. However, Robin didn’t buy any of it. He

big thing had happened to Elise. He also did some digging and found out that Alexander’s mother did not approve of his relationship with Elise.

instead, he roared directly, “I’m not interested in what you said. Think of a way for me to meet Elise!” All of a sudden, Laura, who had not spoken before, shouted angrily as well, “Besides, you don’t have to promise us anything anymore. Yes, you are the heir of the Griffith Family, and your family indeed is great, but we, the Sinclairs, are not so bad ourselves after all. That is it—I will bring Elise with me. Forget the engagement or anything;

he didn’t investigate this matter thoroughly and clear Elise’s name, he would never have the confidence to

Let go of your hatred too. I just hope you’ll be well. Otherwise, the police will get you…” The moment the police issued the arrest warrant for Matthew, Heather was the first one to be notified. So, she brought Matthew to the pier as soon as she heard. However, Matthew threw the card Heather gave him

mean by this, Heather? You just can’t wait for me to f*ck up and get caught, can you? Let me ask you this: To you, am I that incompetent? So incomptent compared to Alexander Griffith that you think I can’t even go against him?” He couldn’t come to terms with it—his plan was clearly flawless, but Alexander still managed to find a flaw, and he had now become a wanted criminal. There was no one around who could help him, yet Heather was trying to persuade him to leave like this. “No, Matthew. I never meant that. I just hope you’ll be well. You have seen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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