Chapter 309 Cyberbullying,Coolest Girl in Town

Elise couldn’t help asking, “Did you do it? Or was it Alexander’s mother?” Matthew had already escaped, so how could there be anyone else who dared to oppose Alexander? “You will know when you’re here. What’s wrong? Are you scared?” Maya didn’t expect Elise to be so direct, but she wouldn’t give up if she didn’t meet with Elise today. “Scared? Never.” After saying such a bold sentence, Elise went to the address that Maya suggested. The location Maya chose was opposite the entrance of a cafe.


The moment their gazes met, Maya hooked her lips and smiled arrogantly and proudly. “Elise Sinclair, I really don’t know why you stay by Alex’s side. Today, my godmother has already said that she will match the two of us together. If you’re someone that knows your place, stay away.” She had heard many persuading her to leave Alexander. But her life was her own, so why should she listen to these people’s words—especially words from a prideful person like Maya?

he knows me more

was not a servant of the Dahlen Family, so she didn’t have to take this from Maya at all! “Do you even have the ability to?” Elise sneered softly, not taking Maya’s words to heart at all. However, it wasn’t because Alexander had arranged for someone to protect her secretly, but because she genuinely wasn’t one bit afraid. But unexpectedly, Maya immediately kneeled down in front of her without saying a word. She begged very bitterly and humbly. “Elise, I beg you. I can’t live without Alex. Can you give me the chance to be with him? I know I’m wrong, so please forgive me…” As she said

when Elise instantly understood Maya’s true intention. “Elise, I really didn’t mean it. I know what I said was too much, but I also really love Alex. Even if you don’t agree, you didn’t have to do this to me, right?” As she spoke, Maya covered her left cheek and sobbed. It was such an epic performance that

actually hit you before? Also, you said that I was giving you a hard time. This restaurant has surveillance cameras, so shall we get the tapes to see who is the one lying and acting?” Elise folded her arms. She had faced her fair share of ridiculousness recently. At this point, she

to get the surveillance tapes. But what was revealed in the tapes made Elise even more speechless. Although Maya chose the position facing the hall, there was a tree next to her, which blocked the camera the moment she kneeled down. Therefore, only the scene of Elise being domineering was seen in the surveillance. “Miss Sinclair, what else do you have to say for yourself

heard these reporters’ pressing questions, she directly hit back. “The surveillance just happened to be covered, so she can say anything she wants. Didn’t you all see the surveillance? I didn’t

If I am guilty, please let the law punish me. Don’t tell me all of this nonsense now!” As soon as these words left her mouth, reporters swarmed around Elise. Immediately, Elise pushed them away and quickly fled the scene. She didn’t want to explain to those people about what she didn’t do, but in their eyes, she was running away. They even described at length how she was bullying others and disrespectful.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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