Chapter 319 You’re an *sshole, Matthew!,Coolest Girl in Town

The person in the video was none other than Elise, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with a look of anxiety. “You…” Robin was choked with anger. He never thought that his dear granddaughter would actually be held captive by Matthew! Laura lunged at Matthew and grabbed his collar hysterically. “Free Elise at once, or I’ll never forgive you!” Matthew had nothing to fear, though. He even chuckled, looking like a cold-blooded villain. He replied with a laugh, “I’ll free her, of course. Otherwise, how am I gonna marry her?” His words pounded Robin and Laura’s hearts like a sledgehammer.


Matthew was a despicable and shameless man, and they understood Elise better than anyone else did. Elise must’ve been coerced into marrying Matthew; there was no other way. However, if they didn’t agree to his demands, Elise’s life would certainly be threatened. Thus, their only option right now was to calm Matthew down and have him free Elise first. At the same time, though… The Griffith Family’s problems can only be solved by the Griffiths themselves. Having come up with a plan, Robin replied coldly with a grave expression, “We’ll give the orders, but how are you gonna get married without the bride, Matthew?

scheduled for three days later. Just give the orders and make the arrangements.” Robin didn’t accept his demands, though. “How can we talk about the wedding date if we can’t see Elise? The people are gonna make a laughingstock out of us Sinclairs!” However, Matthew asked in reply, “Won’t I

in person and ask for her opinion, right?” Matthew smirked. “Does her opinion still matter right now?” His smirk looked especially conceited in Laura and Robin’s eyes,

marry me! he thought. With that, he turned around and left without waiting for Robin and Laura’s response. Robin struck the ground heavily with his stick while burning with anger. “Damn that *sshole! What makes him think he deserves our Elise? That’s simply wishful thinking!” I’ve seen a lot of shameless people, but I’ve never seen someone as shameless as him before! he thought. He was worried about Elise’s safety, but he couldn’t really do as Matthew

announced, especially when Elise was still Alexander’s fiancée at present. A lot of people will gossip about it if someone’s fiancée is suddenly going to marry his younger brother instead! thought Robin. Therefore, he called Alexander right away. Alexander had just received a text message from Matthew, but he had yet to read the text message at this moment. Robin

what he wants? Does he honestly think he’s an emperor who can demand for whatever he wants?” At this moment, Alexander didn’t know that Robin was referring to Matthew. Trying to soothe Robin’s anger, he replied in a low voice, “Please calm down first, Mr. Robin. Could you tell me about the matter in detail? Did anyone

time, and now, he’s gotten his hands on her by despicable means and even wants her to marry him! He’s simply living in a dream world!” Upon hearing Robin’s words, Alexander instantly realized who

squeezed by a pair of invisible large hands. Pangs of pain throbbed in the left side of his chest. “Deal with the members of your family yourself, Alexander. I’ll never let Matthew off since he’s hurt Elise this time. Also, I’m gonna get back at your mother this time for the hostility she showed toward Elise earlier!” Robin said angrily

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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