Reminded of that, Jamie could only suppress the anger within him.

“Where’s Matthew?” Alexander interrogated Jessica with a tone colder than the harshest winter as he glared at her with a gaze sharper than the tip of a spear.

“Who’s Matthew?” Jessica crossed her arms, calmly lying against the leather couch. She had yet to know how horrendous a man like Alexander could become.

“The man who sent you fifty million.” Alexander’s face was, as ever, unaffected, though the fists he was concealing in his pockets were flexing. Typically, he wouldn’t touch another woman, but given that Elise’s life was at risk, if Jessica still remained uncooperative, he might as well break the gentlemen’s code.

Hearing that, Jessica seemed to have recalled something, mindlessly replying, “Oh, him. Who knows. We only knew each other for a few days. We’re hardly acquaintances. Why would he tell me what his plans are?”

Jamie scornfully scoffed. “Hardly acquaintances? So you’re saying Matthew’s an idiot who would simply give money to any woman he meets on the streets?”

“Can’t recall saying that.” She lifted her glass of champagne on the table and elegantly took a sip. “Then again, nothing is impossible in this world. If a boring woman like Elise could be craved by a couple of men, what’s wrong with me having a few pursuers who would give me anything I want?”

Tilted, Jamie stomped forward and slammed the glass out of her hand as he stepped on the couch with one leg. He leaned his entire body onto the woman and pointed his finger at her nose, threatening, “Stop fooling around! There’s ‘hardly acquaintances’ and then there’s ‘pursuer.’ Seriously, which one is it?”

be a lie if she said she wasn’t afraid to be oppressed by such a big man. Nonetheless, she was still a doctor. With her emotions fully under control, she easily shook off her nervousness. “Come on, is it against the

me hit a woman!” Jamie’s

you?” Jessica shamelessly stuck her body against Jamie’s. “I’d take money from literally anyone.

he expected, the woman was

dragged Jamie behind him. He then took a deep breath to maintain his composure. “Elise has always treated you as a good

transferred to our school, I was always hard stuck at second place, losing all my deserved honor to her, so what gives? Sure, she was slightly better than me in her studies, but that’s it! What gave her the right to remain above me

what was going on in the opponent’s mind. As

it.” She revealed a look of utter defeat. “Murder, torture, do as you like. I’ve had

Alexander was unresponsive. He stared wordlessly at her for almost half a minute. It wasn’t until he sensed a trace of fright in her eyes that he showed her a knowing smirk. “There’s a chance of me forgoing what you did to Elise and not calling the cops on you. I might even turn a blind eye to the

his announcement, Jessica

right in the eyes. Suddenly, his eyes darkened and malice surged within. “But if you choose not to cooperate with me, not just you, but your parents as well as your little brothers will each have their fate turned into the biggest

heart. “The blame is all on

of course.” Alexander shot her a terrifying grin and a glare that bore no delight. “The blame is all on you, but why’d you drag Elise into this? Since you’re not seeing reason, I guess I’ll play your game

was trembling under his leer, as if she had absolutely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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