Chapter 330

Elise understood what her grandfather meant. If she truly slept with Matthew, then she couldn’t pretend as if nothing had happened, nor could she continue to enjoy Alexander’s love while ignoring everything, regardless whether Matthew and Alexander were brothers or not. It didn’t matter whether she didn’t want to or if she wasn’t the one at fault. Sometimes, though, fate was just that fickle and unreasonable. There was no room for argument.

It might be painful at first, but Elise knew deep down that people could eventually leave. If that was what fate intended, then all she could do was adjust her mindset and force herself to accept it.

But before that, there were some things that she needed to understand fully first.

“Did you save those photos?” Elise asked Robin.

“Well…” An uncomfortable look came over Robin’s face, but he quickly caught on as to what Elise meant. He tested the waters. “Did you actually…?”

But Elise’s words proceeded to extinguish his hope that had just flickered back to life.

“I’m not sure either.” Elise shook her head. “It’s just like you said; I wasn’t awake when those photos and videos were taken. I was indeed unconscious for a while, unaware of anything. I can’t confirm whether Matthew had actually done any of that to me.”

“I understand what you mean.” Robin nodded solemnly to indicate his understanding, but he was still troubled. “It’s my fault. I was so furious by that b*stard that I completely didn’t think of that. I didn’t save any kind of evidence…”

If that was the case, it seemed that the only proof of whether or not Elise and Matthew had intercourse was purely through Matthew’s say-so.

In truth, Elise wasn’t actually all that hurt by this. She was the victim at the end of the day. Even if she had lost her purity, the one who should be shamed and humiliated was Matthew. She would not feel like she was lesser because of this. Elise was in a rush to find out the truth simply because she wanted to tie up loose ends with Alexander; she didn’t want them to part in such a confusing manner just because of Matthew’s slanderous claims.

Seeing how her grandfather blamed himself, Elise couldn’t bear to keep asking any further. Instead, she comforted, “It’s okay, Grandpa. I’m your granddaughter; something as small as this won’t get me down. Don’t worry. I’ll deal with this


with a heavy gaze, his weathered eyes still filled with heartbreak. “I’m so sorry for

that afternoon, Elise took a nice nap at

to her, however, Matthew had already begun a new round

and Elise lying topless on a bed together, seemingly all at the same time. These photos were like a bomb, sending shockwaves everywhere. The entire entertainment industry went into overdrive to churn out articles, every outlet wanting to be the first to hog the top trending search by utilizing the controversy—’Alexander Griffith’s Fiancée Cheating

Elise earlier to

the table. They argued until they were red in the face, all of them putting their heads together over this PR nightmare for one reason, and one reason only-to prevent Elise’s name from being

most important thing right now. Listen to me and find a B-lister to take the

them to take those topics down? It’s going to take more effort, but we’ll

to write up a letter to go after those major content creators who are purposely

you listen to

had some flaw

14.45 MUG.

Chapter 330

sat there quietly in his seat, letting those at the meeting table to squabble like no tomorrow. Yet, he seemed to be in a completely different world, for the aura

was no doubt that Matthew decided to go for this dirty blow because he wanted to force Elise into a corner, to force her to be tied to him. But he was mistaken: Elise could be reasonable, but

he was concerned about no one would be able to get past him

“Knock, knock–”

All of

Group’s reputation.” At that, Alexander lifted his left hand to look at his watch. “It’s 1.28 p.m. now. You’ve already wasted 18 minutes and 23 seconds. By 2 p.m, I

expression, as

Alexander’s most preferred way to deal with this PR case, considering

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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