Amelia stood there and stared patronizingly at Alexander. With a contemptuous look on her face, she commented, “I gave you a chance but you refused it, so today’s outcome is all of your own doing.” ”Are you so sure that you’ll win by just currying favors with a couple of bankers?” Elise lifted her left eyebrow and shot Amelia a meaningful look. “A couple of bankers?” Amelia scoffed, “You’re quite full of yourself, aren’t you? Do you realize the amount of cash flow that can be approved by one single banker?


The loan approved for the Olson Family by any of them would be sufficient to bring the Griffiths down to their knees if I directed the money into the share market.” “Well, a loan has to be repaid eventually,” Elise retorted. Her gaze flickered and there seemed to be an unexplainable glimmer in her eyes as her whole body exuded coldness. “It would be repaid for sure!” Amelia had been targeting the Griffiths over the last couple of days in the stock exchange market, which was why the latter were in a losing position at the moment. As such, Amelia was full of arrogance and she paid no heed to anyone else. With a half-smile, she continued, “Well, it would not be using our family’s money but your future family—the Griffith’s—money.”

“Mrs. Shoal, your plan is quite well thought out indeed.” Even Alexander couldn’t help but voice out mockingly. “Thanks for the compliment.” Amelia accepted his words and was lost in thought. Suddenly, she muttered to herself, “Everyone seems to think that you’re god’s gift to the world and the whizz in the corporate world, but look at yourself right now. You’re not even a match for a mere woman like me.” As soon as she said that, she moved forward and patted Alexander on the shoulder. “Dear nephew, your worst mistake was to force us into the brink of desperation.

be able to achieve such an exalted position and experience all of these competitive business dealings for the rest of your life!” Just then, Amelia purposely heaved a sympathetic sigh and turned to speak to the bankers behind her with an exasperated tone, “Aren’t you guys about to leave? Do you actually plan to stay on and discuss collaboration plans with Mr. Griffith

assumed that this was a final struggle and that the latter was merely trying to get back at her with such words. As such, Amelia rolled her eyes and dismissed those words before walking off without a backward glance. Meanwhile, Elise watched as the group walked off into

bother to glance at him. At that point, she was quite focused on waiting for a reply from the other party. Just then, Alexander

the mountains, but each time the trip didn’t materialize. Furthermore, there was an instance whereby Nathan had already arrived at the designated meeting place but as it came to their meeting time, A didn’t turn up at all. Two days later, she sent him a text with the following words as her explanation, ‘I’m not in the mood to meet.’ It was fortunate that A was a whiz in

and placed it into her pocket before walking away holding onto Alexander’s arm. She behaved as if nothing had happened. As for Alexander, he didn’t ask her anything, but paced himself according to her footsteps and silently accompanied her. There were bound to be some secrets between them, but both of them had a

frantically. However, upon her arrival, she found a bunch of doctors who didn’t know what treatment to provide and a gang of hooligans who were beaten up badly. As for Jeremy, he remained unconscious in the ward and he resembled someone in a vegetative state as he lay there immobile. Amelia instantly rushed to his side and shook his body. “Jeremy? Jeremy! Say something to me! Mom’s here!” Jeremy’s consulting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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