Chapter 377 Adopted Child,Coolest Girl in Town

“Dad, don’t be upset. Everyone would want their kids to be there when they pass away! Death is inevitable. The most important thing is to pass away with dignity, and we’ve come back this time to uphold your dignity. It would be your mistake if you didn’t appreciate our filial act.” Joshua maintained his cheeky attitude without even regarding himself as an outsider. “You—” Robin was angered to the point where he found himself out of breath and all of a sudden, his head spun. Clutching at his chest, he keeled over. As soon as Elise and Alexander saw that, they rushed forward to support Robin and they shifted him to the chaise.

Right after he was placed into a supine position, Elise swiftly took out the needles that were always on her and lifted Robin’s left hand to poke him on the tip of his fingers. It was only after repeating that a few times that Robin’s breathings gradually stabilized. Meanwhile, Joshua stretched his neck and peered over. There was a flash of disappointment across his face upon realizing that Robin was fine. “Look at you! You’re so frail. If I hadn’t come back with Maureen, who else would be able to sort out the funeral plans if something actually happened to you?” “Shut up!“ Elise rolled her eyes at him. “I’ve tolerated your bullsh*t for long enough, and I’ll rip your tongue out if you continue to say another word!”

“How dare you interrupt when your elder is speaking?” Joshua lifted his chin proudly, exuding utter confidence without a single bit of fear in him. “Do you think that you’re fit to be addressed as an elder?” Elise had an indifferent expression on her face as she coldly mentioned, “Grandpa and Grandma are my only family members. I don’t care who it is, but I’ll make sure that whoever dares to hurt them pay the price!” “Ha!” Joshua snorted mockingly as he countered, “From what you just said, do you mean that you’re going to teach me a lesson? Well, I don’t think that an outsider like you would be able to stop me from returning to my own home!” Meanwhile, Robin’s eyes widened upon hearing the word ‘outsider’ and he struggled hard to lift his hand.

he weakly muttered, “Y-You’d better shut your mouth!” “Why should I shut my mouth? That darn girl should be the one to shut up!” Joshua arrogantly spat at Elise. “Darn it! Who do you think you are anyway?! You’re just an adopted child and an outsider with a different last name! How dare you behave so insolently in someone else’s house!” Upon hearing that, Elise clenched her fists by the side of her body tightly and there was a restrained look that crossed her face. She gritted her teeth and tried to come up with a retort but in the end, she didn’t utter a single word. He’s right.

had seen that was during their encounter with Madeline. And so, he was adamant that he would not stand by and do nothing. In the end, Alexander walked over to stand by Else and he wrapped his broad, warm hand around her tightly clenched fist and

from Tissote? Are you the one leading the company?” “That’s me.” Alexander puffed out his chest but he didn’t bother to say much. However, his imposing manner was exuded quite naturally. Meanwhile, Joshua stared at Alexander scrutinizingly before nodding as he had already weighed out the pros and cons. “Alright, then. Since that’s

to cross their path. This was why he deemed it acceptable to give Alexander some leeway. It will make it much

out from next to her. “I think you’ve made a mistake. I was the one who pursued Elise. She wasn’t the one that made the move. I would kill for her to marry me right now so whatever she wants to do or whatever she’s after, I will definitely achieve it for her.” Alexander paused for a moment upon saying that and he revealed a sly smile. “Even if I have to kill someone for her, I would not hesitate

family fortune, so it would be worthless if I lost my life, As soon as Joshua realized that, he chuckled cheekily. “Ha! President Griffith, you must be joking. We’re a family so there’s no need to resort to any killing. There’s no need for that.” Joshua said that with a glance at Elise before raising a hand to slap himself on the mouth. “I’m sorry, Elise. It’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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