Chapter 386 Slit Her Throat,Coolest Girl in Town

That same afternoon, the Olson Family declared their bankruptcy at the end of the stock trading and the company assets were frozen while the court issued a bankruptcy order. Amelia presently appeared to be in a daze as she sat next to Jeremy, letting out long and tired sighs every once in a while.

She wondered how she was going to tell her son that she had gambled the entire family fortune away. There didn’t seem to be a gentle way to break the news, and with his poor state of health, she wasn’t sure whether he could accept the blow. Then, Jeremy woke up with a violent coughing fit and the heaving made his body shudder.

Within seconds, he was coughing up blood. “Doctor! Doctor!” Amelia looked as if she had gone insane as she scrambled out of the room, and she returned with the consulting doctor and a team of nurses in tow. While the medical team went about the emergency life-saving procedure, she stood out in the hallway and watched the entire episode through the glass. It was only a full hour later that Jeremy’s condition was stabilized, but the doctor walked out and informed wearily, “I’m sorry. We’ve done our best, but we can’t promise that he will survive the next fit.”

“No, don’t say that! My son was perfectly fine, so don’t tell me he’s terminally ill all of a sudden!” Hot tears streamed past her cheeks as she gripped the doctor’s arm and begged, “Please, please save my son. He’s only twenty; he’s still a child! He’s too young to die!” However, the doctor could only sigh ruefully and he couldn’t make any promises. At last, Amelia was exhausted from all the crying and she suddenly grew calm as she recalled Elise’s warning from the other day at the clubhouse. “When the Griffiths wind up the company for good, that will be the end for Jeremy.”

on the verge of becoming so and this coincided with Jeremy’s inexplicable deterioration in health. Elise has to be the one behind all this! There isn’t anyone else! At the thought of this, she dried her tears and slowly sat up from the floor before she rose to hurry out of the hospital. She forked out a huge sum of cash, and within an hour, she managed to locate Elise. However, upon seeing the address, Amelia froze in astonishment. Elise was currently at the Silverton Club, the very same place where

deep breath, she clenched her jaw and barged into the clubhouse. She was practically moving on instinct, but when she hurtled through the doors of the VIP lounge, she saw Nathan sitting insouciantly inside with Alexander and Elise. The

have to deal with at the moment. Why are you so anxious to see me, Mrs. Olson?” She was as pale as a white sheet in fury before she turned red as blood rushed to her face. The Olson Family’s bankruptcy would have been headline news among the investors, and for a prominent figure like Nathan, there was no way

could neither soar above them nor make him bend to her every whim. “O-Oh, it’s nothing,” she finally responded bitterly through gritted teeth. “Well, that’s good to know,” Nathan replied impassively, indulging in cruelty. At the sight of his

barked, “Come with me to the hospital right now, Elise! You’re the one who hurt my son, so you’ll have to save him!” Regardless of the financial troubles that plagued her family, the commanding edge in her tone did not seem to have softened. Elise was unbothered as she countered coolly, “Do you have proof to support that accusation?” “Of course I do! Everyone saw you touch him, which means you’re the one who landed him into such a sorry state! Don’t you

moment, it was as if panic had turned Amelia’s brain to mush. She wasn’t in the mood to argue with Elise now and decided that pleading was the best way to go. As she humbled herself, she begged, “Please, Elise, you have to save my son. He’s too young to die like

make all the right moves through cold, hard calculation. Barely a month had passed since the Olson Family’s first encounter with Elise, but that was enough time for them to slowly lose everything. She’s a force

and known better than to trifle with the girl. “My son and I were wrong to have done all those things to you in the past. I hope you can find it

better after he was rescued, but he didn’t.” Then, she paused and held Amelia’s gaze impassively. She parted her lips and emotionlessly added, “You have to pay the price eventually for all the bad things you did.” “Isn’t it enough that the Olson Family lost everything?!” Amelia shrieked, thumping her chest with her fists all curled up. “You took away

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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