Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 395: I Don’t Agree to the Marriage

Finally, Elise allowed Alexander to help her sit up. Then, Austin sat on the chair next to the hospital bed while Jeanie stood behind the chair. The three of them were seated facing each other, and there was some silence for a while.

Alexander felt that Elise was a little squirmy, so he also dragged a chair and sat down on the other side, and his big hand gently squeezed her palm and rubbed it softly. Elise felt his attentiveness, so her body relaxed, and the corners of her mouth held a smile. When Austin watched the exchange between the two, his face showed a gratified look.

“I heard Jeanie say that you two are engaged?”

Jeanie did not introduce much about Alexander, only saying that he was the son of the Griffith Family in Tissote.

“Yes.” Alexander took the initiative to answer. “Elise has agreed to marry me, and we are considering when best to hold the wedding.”

Austin was now a bit anxious and frowned. “Elise is not yet old enough to get married, right?”

This brat looks like an upright man and is good-looking, so there should be no shortage of interested women. Why is he interested in my daughter?

“Let young people decide their own business,” Jeanie said comfortingly. She was delighted with Alexander.

“How can this be?” Austin complained. “Yoyo has been on her own for more than ten years, and she just came back. She hasn’t spent much time with her family yet, so how can she get married? Besides, a girl’s destiny is not necessarily to get married and have children!”

“You old thing!” Jeanie laughed. “Then why did you marry me right away as soon as I reached the legal age of marriage? If we didn’t get married and have children, how would Yoyo and Trevor be born?”

When Austin heard that, his face was a bit embarrassed as he said, “We’re not the same. Now we are talking about our daughter, so don’t you interfere.”

can I not interfere?

Yet inexplicably, Elise felt sweet instead of aggravated when she listened to them argue. It

with dominance, “Elise has agreed, and I’ve already had people arrange the wedding. As for marrying her legally, I can only wait. But please rest assured that after the wedding, my assets will all have her name

today? You have given out instructions?” Elise was confused and felt that she had

innocent. “This is the digital era. Since you’ve agreed, I’ve already gotten Cameron to prepare for the wedding. There’s nothing wrong with making

So far, they were still bidding for the best wedding program. Since it was for Elise, it must be the

like. Don’t ask for my opinion, though.” Although Elise had never been

won’t bother you.” Alexander promised in

so he would not ruin their

and Elise’s sweet interaction, he felt something

agree.” Austin’s face darkened, and so the atmosphere in

moment, then opened her mouth to persuade him, only to hear Austin continue, “Yoyo is my daughter

for a moment, not expecting Austin to overreact. Elise knew little about Austin, but she felt resistance from the bottom of her heart

is my life; I

at Austin. The resentment buried deep in her heart seemed to be triggered. When she met Jeanie, she had feelings of loss and resentment from being discarded and forgotten, which were now suddenly set off

is, so what decisions can you make? When deciding who to marry, you should not listen to men’s superficial words

not a man?” Elise asked

the same?” Austin furrowed his brows. “I am your father and the only man in this world who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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