Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 403: For the Love of God!

“Spit it out, or I’ll make you,” Elise muttered.

“I’ll tell you everything!” The man was so scared that he began sweating profusely. This woman is so strong; I’ll be dead if she hits me!

“Oh.” Elise clapped her hands. “Go on, then.”

“B-But what am I supposed to say?” The man was near tears. “For the love of God! You need to at least tell me what you want to know!”

Elise bent down and showed him another silver needle. “If you refuse to come clean, you’ll have yourself to blame.”

man felt pain and itches all over his body, as if there were

couldn’t move at all, and as the pain in his body grew stronger, tears were uncontrollably shed. He thought he would


that this man wasn’t lying. Well, well. I guess I have to investigate further

Waterway Restaurant, Elise returned

to Jeanie’s room was open, and

and changed her course as she walked inside. She couldn’t avoid Jeanie’s sorrow, no matter what she tried. Whenever she saw Jeanie in low spirits, she felt equally sorrowful, and she could feel something heavy lodging in her


accept the fact or hadn’t grown accustomed to it. Maybe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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