Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 408: Are You Trying to Break the Promise of Marriage?

Not enough? That’s too much!

What Trevor imagined was him giving Elise his credit card and assuring her he would support her for the rest of her life instead of the other way around.

A while later, he finally came back to his senses before asking seriously with a frown on his face, “Where did you get all this money?”

Although Trevor was speaking to Elise, his eyes were fixated on Alexander. Did this guy try to bribe my sister using money?

However, Alexander immediately explained himself nonchalantly, “Beats me.”


“I don’t remember.” Elise leaned back onto the couch before placing her right leg above her left leg and swinging her legs a little. Then, she pondered for a moment before saying, “I probably received this money as medical fees after treating patients in the past. I have too many cards with me, and it’s not like I keep track.”

Since Trevor knew about Elise’s medical skills, he was relieved when he heard her explanation. Nevertheless, he returned the card after contemplating for a moment. “I can’t take your savings away from you. This money means a lot to you.”


While saying that, Trevor couldn’t help but think to himself, You can only get so much through blood, sweat, and tears. She must have worked for years to be able to get so much money!

Although a hundred million was nothing to the Anderson Family, this was Elise’s hard-earned money, and Trevor didn’t want to use it to pay those useless executives.

“Things that can be resolved with money aren’t a problem. Besides, this doesn’t affect my savings much. A hundred million is probably the least among all of the medical fees that I’ve received, so be my guest.” When Elise took her glasses off, her overbearing aura was revealed as well.

quietly took the card, despite having more and more questions in his head. Was it my delusion? Did I just sense a tremendous charisma from my sister, who is in her twenties? Maybe there are

his pocket, and the atmosphere finally quieted down again. As Trevor’s little sister, Elise didn’t mind giving

Trevor had a campaigner personality, he left not long after taking

that evening, Elise turned off the lights in her room before she started

had to get Joseph’s account password to be able to predict that person’s next movement. However, she failed no matter how many times she tried. It was obvious that the other party was already prepared, and Elise couldn’t hack

the people that Elise had encountered in the past were as strong as this person currently. Sighing in annoyance, she eyed the time on the laptop to see that it was already 11.55PM. Therefore, she turned off her laptop and

sounds next door before the sound

her phone out, she opened up the GPS application that she had coded herself and frowned as she watched the red dot on

games yesterday, she had secretly set up a GPS on his phone that would mark and save his location if he stopped for

later, Elise closed her phone and slept without worry after seeing the red dot making its way

woke up early and rushed toward Alexander’s place. However, she couldn’t find him

the red dot overlapped a

she zoomed in to the map and walked toward Alexander’s room according to the map’s indication. However, Elise opened the door to

picked up the phone call in

is Alexander?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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