Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 410 Your Master Is Here!

At this moment, Elise nodded in satisfaction before opening the beer bottle and taking a chug. Then, she asked again, “Didn’t Cameron say you went to snatch your opponent’s goods? Where are the goods? What is it?”

The goods definitely weren’t ordinary for three different parties to fight after it at the same time.

“Since I snatched someone else’s treasure, of course, I’ll have to hide it quickly,” Alexander smirked. “I’ll bring you along to see it tonight.”

“Sure.” Elise took another chug before throwing the beer can on the table. She was still not used to the bitter taste of beer.

Two hours later, Cameron and Thomas came back at the same time.


“Come on. Let me help you with your wound.” Thomas walked over to help Alexander get up.

“It’s fine.” Elise stopped him before she tilted her head to look at Cameron, who was behind Thomas. “Did you get all the ingredients?”


“All of them but the hyacinth serum. I asked a few suppliers, but all of them didn’t have it,” Cameron explained.

“That’s just like not getting anything at all.” Elise massaged her temples. “Whatever. I’ll make a call to get my people to send the hyacinth serum over.”

Then, she took her phone and went to the balcony to make a call. At the same time, Thomas had his hand on his chest while he exhaled. “Thank God. I thought I was going to lose my job.”

can guarantee

returned, Thomas was already

pot and boil all of these ingredients together with

kitchen. Just like what Alexander claimed earlier, Cameron had already forgotten

again and made a mental note

came out of his room together with Thomas after his wound was bandaged. Right then, a person with a thin

is only one

the man immediately walked toward Elise before giving her the wooden box that he was holding with both

out to take the

Miss Sinclair.” Then, the man gave her a name card. “Miss Sinclair, this is my name card.

and leaving the house. When

Elise making

Danny a look

come out with the conclusion that Elise is cooking when the entire house is

Why is Alex judging me when

the kitchen with a bowl before placing the bowl in front of Alexander. “Finish it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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