Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 419: Extreme Measures

“I’m on my way to visit my grandma, so I thought I didn’t need to bring my ID along. Besides, I was in a hurry, so I left it at home,” Claude answered as ‘honestly’ as he could. He was an innocent-looking guy to begin with, and nobody would suspect him of anything.

Jackson stared at him for a moment, then he took the verification device from the young officer and said indifferently, “Give me your ID number.”

“830…,” Claude told him a string of numbers, smiling all the while.

A while later, the officer in charge frowned and looked at Claude, holding the device with one hand. “Your name is Mike Oxlong?” he asked seriously.

Yeah, I know, right? “Nice name, huh?” Claude smiled drily.

bring your ID anywhere

eyes glinted. “I

“Let them go!”

his old, cunning self once more. “I’ll double your pay, driver. Hit the

accelerator and sped past all the cars that passed

off into the distance, he thought about the name he saw quietly. Mike Oxlong… Mike Oxlong… Hey,

right under my nose.” The officer in charge smacked his head in frustration and turned his walkie talkie

driver had already arrived at the mall in twenty minutes, seeing as he could

and joked, “You should be an F1 driver with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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