Chapter 436 Making Room to Run

Who said anything about being that guy’s disciple? Thomas was stunned once more. Who are these people? Forget it. I’ll just listen to what they have to say for now.

Joseph nodded before he spoke weakly. “About a year ago, the organization began to receive orders to search for known physicists in every nation. Since it was just a search for some professionals, I got a few of the regular staff members to work on it. However, we didn’t get any positive responses until I received news about Timothy and Sasha. Things began to change then. We found out that there were at least two other groups of people who were looking for them.

received news about Timothy before I fell into a coma. He proceeded to check on the situation, but

three groups of people going after Timothy and Sasha,”

SK Group is. Once they start a mission, they don’t stop

assign search missions to its members from time to time, and some forces might have attempted to create diversions in order to capture SK Group’s people for

off the radar for so long, it was possible that it was a trap, and Xavier might have fallen for it. “I can’t be sure either,” Joseph uttered with a solemn look. “If what you said is true, then it’s possible that things might be going smoothly for Xavier, but it might also be possible that something has happened to him. We’d have to take action

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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