Chapter 438 Are You Questioning My Fiancé’s Status?

“What should I say, then? Should I thank you for embarrassing me and causing more trouble for me?” Elise frowned, hinting at Daniel to stop messing with her.

The corner of Daniel’s lips twitched in frustration. Is she implying that my efforts to help her turned out to be creating more problems? It’s fine if she doesn’t understand how powerful the Dahlen Family is, but wouldn’t a regular person understand that they would have to bear the consequences after hurting someone else’s daughter? Both Russell and Daniel had used all of their efforts on trying to convince the Dahlen Family, and they had even offered them some expensive herbs. Yet, it seemed like Russell and Daniel’s actions were pointless in Elise’s eyes.

“You’re still young, Elise; perhaps that’s why you lack foresight in this situation. Do you know that the Dahlens hold almost as much power as what the Griffiths used to hold? If we hadn’t helped you earlier, you would have to suffer in Tissote from now onward,” Daniel explained in a solemn tone.

“Haha…” Elise responded with a fake laugh. “You’re right. I had no reason to interact with people like them at first, but now, thanks to you, I’m afraid I’m stuck in this mess.” She paused to watch the look of disbelief spreading across Daniel’s face. “You should end what you’ve started. Since you were so thoughtful to help me with this matter, why don’t you help me treat their daughter as well, huh? I’ll thank your whole family for the efforts, okay?”

The mixture of emotions that filled Daniel’s face was pure entertainment to Elise. Daniel had imagined all the possible reactions Elise might give him, but he hadn’t expected her to be so unappreciative of his actions. Yet, since things had come to that point, Daniel couldn’t embarrass himself by rejecting her request. He had already done half the work—he couldn’t just give up then. “Fine. Since you asked for my help, I’ll do you another favor this time! But I hope you remember that you owe me one once I’m done treating the patient, Elise!”

an emotionless stare. She sure is a stubborn one, Daniel thought. But she has underestimated my patience and greed! She doesn’t want to owe me anything, right? Well, I’m going to make sure that she

an animated manner. Before he stormed off, he made sure to give her a final, firm glare. However, it only took an hour for Daniel to realize that

trying to compensate for the mistakes that Yoyo made. But now, Miss Dahlen

Daniel show up to help us? If my memory

tone. However, for the sake of Daniel, Russell decided to hold his temper back and stayed where he was. “I want

I wouldn’t want to see her tiring herself out even

frustrated to begin with, and he was even more furious when he heard Jeanie. “You watched Daniel grow up, Jeanie. How could you call him a troublemaker? You guys were

and Elise walked over together, and Alexander

excuse of relational ties and bonds to guilt-trip others into doing things for him. Alexander wasn’t about to let Russell play the same trick this time. Alexander decided that he wouldn’t hold back with Russell since Russell was the one who asked for

strong aura in the air made Russell’s pupils shrink. “W-What business?”

for it, Mr. Anderson.” Alexander’s face was void of any emotion. Even Elise raised an eyebrow when she heard his words. In the past, Elise had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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