Chapter 445 Alexander’s Solution

“You know, you look pretty good yourself, but why do you gotta be so vicious?”Addison angrily added, “Don’t you know that if either Elise or I end up in jail, one of us is gonna live with the infamy forever?!”

“What does that have to do with me?” Reuben apathetically continued, “I’m simply a member of society trying to fulfill my responsibilities, and whatever happens to you in the future is your own fault.”

“How dare you!” Addison was left tilted and speechless. As she was about to teach him a lesson, Elise reached out and stopped her.

“So, it seems like you’re not going to be upfront either way,” Elise expressionlessly uttered.

Reuben indifferently heaved a sigh as he sat up straight, leaning against the back of the chair. “What is this, forced interrogation? No, more like a coercion against an innocent man. Sadly, Elise, you’re underestimating me. No matter where I go, you’re a murderer, and I’ll tell that to anyone I see. Don’t even think about changing my mind!”

“Oh, man’s got the balls.” Elise lifted her eyebrows and spoke in a tone that was neither light nor heavy. Slowly, she raised her arm, revealing the silver needle in her hand. “Let’s see how long your balls will last you.” Saying that, she probed the needle into his skin around his collar that was not concealed by his clothes.

Instantly, Reuben could feel a sting and electricity surging through his entire body. Gnarling his teeth, he forced himself not to blurt a sound as he subconsciously clenched his fist. No matter how hard he tried to suppress the torment, his agony still showed on his face. Nonetheless, because of that, Elise was reassured that his identity was not as simple as an ordinary physics student like any other.

“Pushing the limits, aren’t we?” Elise revealed a cold smirk as she cruelly went on, “Oh, but this is only the beginning. I’ve coated the needle with some type of powder I manufactured. As time passes by, your pain will only worsen, so I’d advise you to speak up before we get there.”

Reuben’s body started to shiver from the pain, and he was sweating profusely on his forehead. As his vision was starting to get hazy, he began letting out whimpers. After some time, he slowly raised his head. Mustering every last trace of conscience he had left, he forcibly opened his eyes. With his eyes filled with red, tiny veins, he persistently gazed at Elise, provoking her as he gritted his teeth, “Is that all you’ve got? Come on, give me all you got! No matter what you do, I won’t surrender what I have!”

couldn’t help but feel shocked. Never had she seen a face as desperate as his from someone her age. It was as if Reuben was a prey that was forced to back into a corner and was putting up a last, struggling

out of his body before turning around to leave. After all, the

help feeling distressed as the truth had yet to reveal itself. She

started yelling and she’s already feeling guilty

up!” Addison’s vulgarity revealed itself.

used all his strength to get himself up against the back of the chair as he slothfully raised his eyebrows, giving her a look of “whatever

teeth in anger and eventually

women had come out of the room, Alexander approached them. “How did

Elise shook her head

lips and

what you think it means,

worse than this.” Despite her proficiency in mathematics, language and literature were

slightly frowned but said nothing

I’ll take care of

senses, was now complacently sitting on the chair. He shot Alexander a scornful gaze. “Here comes another one.” After a momentary pause, he goaded, “Give me all you got. As long as I’m still breathing,

condescending leer, seemingly having no intention in participating in his debate. His ebony eyes, under the shadow of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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