Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 458: I’m No Longer the Same Person as Before

Macaque looked at the man in the fox mask. “What are your thoughts?” he asked.

Although Bryce had mentioned Elise’s identity to him, no one could break the arena’s rules just because of their status. Macaque might be visibly asking the man in the fox mask for his opinion, but in reality, he was hoping that the man would agree. After all, Elise was gutsy enough to hit Bryce. Macaque was actually worried that if Fox-Mask didn’t go along with her wishes, then she might rain wrath down on the arena—no, the entire black market.

The man’s mask only obscured the upper half of his face. Under everyone’s watchful gazes, his lips pressed together into a smile. Then, he spoke. “Let’s do as they wish. I don’t mind fighting against two opponents at once. It will all end the same way anyway—one side will still fall in the end.”

That arrogant challenge of a statement successfully piqued the crowd’s fervor. All of them smacked their tables or got on their chairs as they began to yell and cheer for the man in the mask.

Elise paid no attention to the racket as she turned to help Alexander up. Without giving away her emotions, she felt for his pulse. It was only after she felt his pulse fluttering under her fingers that she sighed in relief. Fortunately, the poison was a weak one. It would be easy to neutralize.

“Looks like I’ve embarrassed you,” Alexander said half-jokingly.

Elise smiled while shaking her head. “You suffered in my place.”

If it hadn’t been for him, Elise would have been the one poisoned instead and rendered unable to fight.

Alexander knew what she actually meant, but he couldn’t help revealing a bitter smile on his lips. He should have been able to hold out for a few more rounds for her.

Danny dashed over to the ring as well. Elise handed Alexander to him. “Wait for me in the stands,” she ordered.

“Hey, are you two done with your tender romance scene already?” the man in the fox mask asked impatiently, his arms folded across his chest.

Elise coldly glanced over her shoulder before she patted Alexander’s hand comfortingly. She watched as Danny helped Alexander down and out of the ring.

Once both men had left the ring, all expression on Elise’s face vanished without a trace. She turned around, a deadly gleam shining in her pretty eyes.

lady angry now? What, is your heart already aching just because I hurt your boyfriend a

for jokes. Pulling a


in an instant. A terrifying aura cloaked him, as though he was a completely different

It was just an instant, but Elise felt an inexplicable feeling, especially when she gazed at the fox mask. It felt like she might have

first. He was already horrendously fast when he dodged Alexander’s attacks earlier, but his speed when he

narrowed slightly, Fox-Mask was already in front of her. She knew this man was holding back his true power when he was battling Alexander. That was how he was able to get in that

so, the fight in the ring turned into a

body swift like the wind. One kept chasing his opponent while the other constantly dodged her pursuer. Their movements were like a constant series of pictures. One moment, they would be on one side of the arena. By the time the audience caught sight of them again, they

movements. They themselves couldn’t even compare to those two fighting

Why do you only keep

isn’t a place for you to practice your

Haven’t you guys noticed that the dude in the mask still hasn’t even touched a single strand of



dethrone at the arena?

my foot! It’s true, okay? I saw one match of hers with my own eyes back in the day! That lady was brutal!


audience’s discussions got more and more heated. The fighters in the ring didn’t slow down either as Elise once again dodged yet another blow. They stood on the left and right sides of the ring respectively, each claiming

He was getting impatient now. “Is the queen of the arena reduced to

again. Her lips curved up into a cold smile. “Looks like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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