Chapter 469 

Robin stared at him for a long time, yet he couldn’t bring himself to say a word. Given they were both men, he knew very well it was not an empty promise but a genuine one when Alexander swore to protect Elise’s smile.

In that very instant, Robin couldn’t feel any older. Or rather, he had been old for a very long time, so old that he had grown so much more timid than a rat, fearing anything that came his way. All this time, he had been praying for stability that he had shut out everything that was remote from his vision. Perhaps Alexander was right. Temporary stability couldn’t be exchanged for eternal security. No one could tell what the future might hold, so instead of living in fear, maybe it was time to live more carefreely and enjoy every moment. Even though they were senile, they shouldn’t let Elise live as they did-monotonously and aimlessly. Right now, the only person that was standing in Elise’s shoes was Alexander, who was right before him.

The concern on Robin’s face gradually waned as he nodded, for he had found someone that could love Elise more than they did. “Very well. Remember what you said today, Alexander. If you fail to protect her even for one second, Laura and I are going to abhor you until our very last breath!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Robin.” Alexander seemed more determined than ever. “I will spend forever keeping the smile on her face!”

Robin subtly nodded, and suddenly recalled the incident with Matthew. He warned, “As for your brother, it’s best that you handle him as soon as possible. There may be a day when he comes back to ruin you and Elise’s life.”

“I’ve got a lead on him. I never spent a second slacking,” Alexander earnestly claimed.

As such, Robin, seeing there was nothing else to nitpick, nodded. “As long as you know what to do. Now, I officially hand Elise over to you. Please cherish her.”

“Thank you, Mr. Robin! I won’t disappoint you!” Alexander was utterly moved as he revealed his delight.

“My disappointment means nothing. Elise, however…” Robin jokingly teased.

“Hehe…” Alexander chuckled in his baritone voice. “I won’t let her down either!”

Robin stopped teasing him. “Now, go back to her, or she’s gonna think I’m bullying you. This girl, she’s not even married yet, but she has already forgotten about her family!”

to help him walk. “Are you kidding, Mr. Robin? I’m now one of you too! Whether she thinks of me or you,

saying that angrily,

and return smiling, Elise got curious. “Smiley faces, what’s the

wordlessly beamed as Alexander answered, “Mr. Robin said you’re forgetting about


held Robin’s arm, leaning her

mean you will be my granddaughter forever and not get married to

replied, “I still gotta get married! But I’ll

her nose. “What a sly, greedy

in, Elise pinched her nose and

gave Laura an acupuncture. And by the time she was done, it was already midnight. With that, she walked out of the room and sneaked into Alexander’s

his head and

immediately let

and took off his coat before covering her with it. “And we have

doesn’t that


jested, only to call upon Alexander’s scowl, to which she hastily gratified him. “Okay, okay. I’m just kidding. I’ll learn to take care of myself. Satisfied,

quickly turned into a smile. “Why are you here this late? Did Mr.

turned away. “I came

Alexander questioned, “What

Having said that, she went to open the door to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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