Chapter 484 Can’t You Be More Gentle?

After leaving the airport, Elise could clearly feel the intense exuberance in the city life that was specific to Dukethorn.

The roads of Dukethorn were long and winding, but this didn’t seem to deter the street cart operators from operating their stalls by the roadside. The items sold were mainly some arts and crafts. The local people could clearly be identified due to their unique attire, which was significantly different from the visitors. Hence, it was fairly easy to differentiate between the locals and the visitors.

There were plenty of people like Elise, who were clearly dressed like visitors, and most of them were quite likely here for the gem auction event.

The people of Landred City enjoyed auctioning for gems, but the city was not where gem auction had originated. It was only in Dukethorn one could see gem auctioning events all over the place. Some of the street cart operators also held small-scale gem auction events and it was just like opening a blind box. It cost one hundred for each round, and you could go on endlessly.

Of course, most of the gems obtained were worthless jade pieces and it was all for the fun of it.

“Stop the cart.” Just then, Elise suddenly stopped their trishaw cart operator and leaped off the cart. “Why don’t you bring the luggage to the hotel first? I’ll have a browse around the place.”

“Stay safe, Miss Anderson,” Tom mentioned to Elise.

“My last name is Sinclair,” Elise responded.

“Aren’t you the daughter of the Anderson Family? Anyway, Miss Sinclair, Dukethorn is not a safe place, so be alert and come back early.” Tom had complete trust in Elise so he didn’t question her any further. After giving her some advice, he then told the driver to continue heading to their destination.

Walking off, Elise entered the bustling marketplace. She planned to find some interesting little trinkets to bring back for Alexander. She browsed around but she didn’t find anything that seemed appealing.

“Stop right there! Catch that thief!”

Suddenly, a screaming plea could be heard from behind her, and the voice became increasingly louder.

Elise paused in her tracks and turned around to look. Suddenly, she saw that the previously crowded street now had a slight path forcefully pushed through by someone, and there was a man stumbling right in her direction with a designer bag held in his hands. He pushed aside the innocent bystanders as he rushed in her direction.

Meanwhile, those who wanted to avoid trouble tacitly moved to the side. However, Elise remained standing in her original position, having no intentions of shying away at all.

“Step aside, you b*tch!”

after noticing that she didn’t respond at all, he made up his mind

six-foot-tall and was quite well-built. He increased his speed, and it was quite likely that he could easily send a person

bystanders had already started to say a silent prayer for

With a loud moan, he landed with a thud onto the ground. He even

took a while before he came back to his senses. He struggled to get up from the ground, but a silver needle suddenly came toward him and hit him directly in his neck. Half of his body was frozen in

caught up with the guy and the first thing

finally came to her senses and

Elise recognized the woman. She was the capable woman who

help, Miss Elise. The items inside are very

Melody was with Kenneth, so something that was important to her was definitely

out even


words rang out, he pushed through from the crowd and walked toward them. Kenneth’s eyes instantly met Elise’s and the both


as Elise noticed the teasing expression in his eyes, she

Kenneth remained in

just snatched by someone. You

it be inappropriate?” Kenneth smiled. “You helped Melody recover her items, so

such a glib tongue.”

earth who can give such a unique and righteous response even though he’s

but find it a shame. The latter looked very capable

her is a flirt? Maybe it’s his good looks paired with his glib tongue that caused her to lose her senses. That must be the reason! I must make

you must be Miss Melody,

Melody’s face remained impassive as she nodded

a closer eye on your man to prevent him from flirting with everyone. It’s fine if he’s not great at kissing, but it’s embarrassing that

‘perform’ and there was a look of defiance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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