Chapter 497 Let Me Sleep on the Floor

Elise treated his injury in a rough manner. When she was dressing his wound, she looked up and saw him smiling, which in turn made her grit her teeth menacingly.

Maybe I shouldn’t have saved this irritating man. He nearly died, yet he’s able to laugh. I wonder what could make him put away his frivolous attitude.

After putting on the last piece of plaster, Elise tossed the remaining ones into the medical kit, then rose up and clapped her hands. “I’m done bandaging your wound. You may now get lost and return to your own room.”

Kenneth sat up on the couch, slowly buttoning his shirt as he replied roguishly, “I can leave, but if I do and my wound becomes inflamed and I die out there, I’ll still come back to knock on your door. If you wish to experience again how it feels like to be woken up from your sleep, I don’t mind leaving.”

She turned to face him, her gaze freezing. “Kenneth Bailey, have you ever heard of the phrase called ‘biting the hand that feeds you’?”

“What if I have? Or what if I haven’t?” He looked up at her with a weak smile. Under the lights, he seemed feeble but he was still good-looking.

“What you are doing now is exactly like that phrase. I’ve saved you, but you are not going to let me have a good night’s sleep,” Elise growled in a cold tone with her arms folded across her chest.

“I swear that I want to stay simply because I want you to be able to sleep peacefully. If I were to leave now and those who were chasing after me find me, I doubt that the problem you would be facing would be as simple as not having a good night’s sleep.” In all honesty, his explanation sounded logical.

Elise’s gaze flicked from his face then to the door, and she decided that he had a point. “You can stay, but you’d better be good and stay in the living room. Otherwise, I’ll throw you out of the room regardless of whether there are killers out there.”

Kenneth shrugged, not taking her words seriously.

Elise then darted a look in his direction and saw a blanket on the couch, so she returned to her room at ease.

After she had switched off the light and was about to get on her bed, she saw Kenneth’s figure standing by the door of her room.

“What are you trying to pull off now?” she growled impatiently through gritted teeth.

As he lifted his foot and marched toward the bed located near the floor-to-ceiling window, he responded, “The couch is too small and I’ll hurt my wound further if I sleep with my legs curled up. Since you have offered to help, don’t leave things unfinished. Let me sleep on the floor in the room.”

the edge of the bed and sat on the

a death wish?!” Elise warned

on it while uttering with an innocent expression, “Look at this—blood is seeping through the wound. Could you bear to see me suffering

wanted to say that she wouldn’t mind, but the words

and awkwardly muttered, “This is the last time I’m going to make a concession. You’d better not have any funny plans. I’m a light sleeper, so I’ll immediately wake up

Sinclair, I’ll remember everything that

at him and was not bothered to fight him on this. Her back facing

she had her guard up against him, she was paying

in pain at first, but he slowly became quiet and

then did she let her guard down

if she was wrapped in her soft duvet and after some time, she felt as if she had fallen into a hot spring, whereby her whole body was enveloped in warmth. It still remained even after


her. She instantly turned

been woken up due to her kick or

rubbed his hand on his shirt to stain it with blood. However, at this moment, his wound had indeed torn open.

Elise softened for a moment but she quickly put

who takes a mile

she kept quiet and left the

Kenneth was seen sitting on the couch in the

Please leave immediately.” Elise

looked at her. “I’ve ordered breakfast. Let’s eat

you.” She folded her arms across her chest. “You now have two choices. First, leave on your

reluctantly. Just as he was about to

it to his ear. A few seconds

call, exhaling a deep breath in disappointment before raising

her when he was hurt. Having her in his sight alone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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