Chapter 499 No Need to Be So Self-Defeating

Cleverly dodging them, Elise symbolically searched inside the room with Tom before turning around and leaving.

Following behind her, Tom reminded, “Ziggy’s found several pieces of special-quality jade these few days, Miss Sinclair. I imagine there’s not much left inside that’s good.”

“I see,” she replied flatly without showing too much of a reaction.

With that, she stepped out of the room and headed to where the second-grade rough stone was piled.

“Miss Sinclair,” Tom protested, growing anxious as he saw that, “you haven’t paid much attention these few days, so you might not know that the Carnegie Family’s higher-grade rough stone was selected from inside the room. Everything out here is waste rock. We’d best save time by returning inside.”

“Sure,” she answered off-handedly but she had no intentions of turning back. After surveying the display cases in the outer hall, she walked directly up to the person in charge of registration and rattled off a series of numbers, “10896 …11023.”

There were a total of five numbers, all above ten thousand.

Speechlessly, Tom watched on as he mused, Surely she doesn’t need to be so self-defeating, does she?

The rough stone at the venue was numbered according to the organizers’ preliminary review of them. The smaller the number was, the higher likelihood there was of the stone producing a jade; the larger the number was, the worse condition the stone was in. Since the stones numbering six thousand and below were in the inner hall, there was no doubt that everything Elise chose came from the outer hall.

By now, Tom was certain she knew nothing about stone gambling.

“We still have time, Miss Sinclair. Perhaps we still have the chance to look through the stones carefully,” he made a last-ditch attempt to convince her. “Even if we’re going to throw in the towel just like that, we could still choose stones from the inner hall—that way, we might not suffer so many losses in the end. Or perhaps a miracle might happen like it did in Landred City!”

she patted his shoulder and comforted, “Hasn’t lady luck been by your

There isn’t much left in the inner hall, but there’s still a chance someone missed something. It’s better than us

I ask that you respect mine as well. When it comes to stone gambling, there’s no harm in buying a few more. Why are you so caught up in trying to convince me otherwise? Believe me, you’re only wasting the time you have left to choose your own stones if you continue to pester me. So, go do what you wish, but do not interfere

again, Elise’s imposing, majestic

even a loss

and only turned to instruct the registrar,

confirm, you both registered only one stone previously. Are you sure that on the last day of this auction event, you’d like to choose these many stones from the

registrar knew that Tom and the woman with him were the objects of Ziggy’s bet. Thus, the


has goals in

beginning, she’s only chosen materials from the outer hall.

I bet she’s creating a gimmick because she knows she’s going to lose. Maybe the organizers hired her

hall? Ha! Is that any different from directly admitting

in the crowd

quickly, the

you like? Go note down their serial

only one I fancy, and even then I’m not certain about

choose it. Don’t worry about it.

didn’t know

Inwardly, he sighed.

to help him assess the stone once she arrived, but based on today’s scene, she was merely choosing at random, so how

have time. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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