Chapter 514 A Logical Explanation

Everyone else had supported Elise, but Faye’s face darkened when she saw that. These old jerks! They support whoever has the advantage right now. All of them have forgotten how much money I earned for them throughout these years! Because of this little profit today, they have betrayed me completely. Ungrateful scums! When I officially take over Anderson Pharmaceuticals, the first thing I will do is to fire these stakeholders who have betrayed me!

However, she could not do anything at this moment.

“Mr. Anderson, it seems like everyone has agreed for Miss Yoona to represent your company to discuss our collaboration. Am I right?” Kenneth asked with a slight smile.

Austin nodded. After all, his current position in the company couldn’t be compared to the stakeholders, so he was unable to do anything but follow their wishes.

Kenneth pressed his lips into a smile and asked Elise, “In that case, Miss Yoona, shall we find a quiet spot to discuss the details of the collaboration?”

Elise eyed him before offering her hand to him. “It’s my pleasure to do so.”

After all, she had already accomplished her goals here and she had no interest in socializing with them either. It was a good opportunity for her to avoid them and have some peace. Hence, they entered the Anderson Family mansion.

As soon as they walked through the door, Elise withdrew her hand to sit on the couch to open his present. After she had shoved him aside, Kenneth froze for a brief moment and clenched his fingers as he helplessly sighed. Then, he followed her and sat beside her on the couch.

Elise saw a gold-plated USB drive when she opened the box. Holding the item in her hand, she asked, “What is this?”

“You will know after seeing the contents.” Kenneth crossed his legs with one hand on the couch and another on his lap, looking like a boss indeed.

at him and asked the servants to bring a laptop to her. When she received it, she immediately checked out the contents of the USB drive in front

one folder in the drive named ‘CM’. After she opened it, a few documents

at what was inside. She tried

question was because the picture showed

I am investigating the

how do you know

Kenneth’s lips

for no good reason. I don’t like it.” She felt as though she was being watched by the people behind SK

without replying

not hasten to quickly read the information in the USB drive and instead closed the window. Of course, she had erased all the traces that might be left behind.

Who will I help, if not you?” he replied in a

want to hear such a reason that you use to tell others as well. You better give me a reason that can convince


merely heaved a helpless sigh again. “Well, I’m telling the truth, but I have other reasons as

met Elise’s

her eyebrow, thinking

the red jade twice, which shows that you have good luck. Of course I know that you are more than just lucky—you have the skills too. I would not let someone who is both lucky and skilled slip away, for I like

believes in something as unreliable

you just have to believe that people who are lucky seem to have God on their side. So, I would like to also obtain some

agree that it was logical. Some people believed in God and others in geomancy while the more realistic ones believed that it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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