Chapter 526 You Kneel Too

At Warren’s gleefulness, Sophie was visibly disaffected. “Master Reynolds, don’t you think this completely disobeys the true essence of chess? She’s obviously insulting her opponent! How distasteful!”

Nevertheless, Warren disregarded her words and grabbed Richard, excitedly questioning, “Where’s the person, the person who broke through the tactic? I must see them for myself!”

“I’m here.” A clear, treble timbre traveled from within the crowd behind him.

Warren turned around and saw Elise steadily standing beside Kenneth. “So Sophie’s your student, huh, Old Reynolds?”

When Warren turned around and saw Elise, he almost forgot to breathe.

Seeing her so complacent, Sophie rushed forward and rebuked, “Show some respect, Elise Sinclair! ‘Old Reynolds’? Who do you think you are to call my master that? You better kneel down and apologize, and we might look past this! Or else…”


Before she could finish, Warren was already kneeling on the ground.

he was kneeling toward, only to see Elise in the way.

even raised his head to scold

Sophie simply wouldn’t kneel. She stared at Warren in stupefaction, thinking her master must

I’d naturally kneel before my parents and master, but for a dumb game

Warren up. “Master Reynolds, even I think kneeling is a bit much. Even though they have their personal bet, kneeling is still fatal to her pride. Miss Sinclair is just being difficult and overly competitive, and Sophie doesn’t

immensely grateful to Richard’s words. Since Richard’s words carried more weight in Warren’s ears than those of hers, she assumed that Warren

did she expect, Warren was much more persistent. With vexation written all over his face, he infuriatingly grasped his walking stick and struck the

Reynolds?!” She felt absolutely betrayed, especially when she expected that Warren wouldn’t turn

“What gives? I’ll tell you what gives! The fact that she’s

mind. Shocked stiff, she responded

grown so old. Sure, my body has grown weak, but my mind never


overseas, and he willingly became the player’s student. Nonetheless, one thing they did not anticipate was that the anonymous player was the young woman before

he was Alexander, but each surprise

are you waiting for, Sophie? What’s wrong with paying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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