Chapter 536 Progressing Too Slowly

Gabriel brought out a small box. “Just inject this into Edwin and he will no longer be affected.”

Celina took the box and placed the aroma diffuser back in his hand. “I’ll handle Edwin. Place this diffuser in the room.”

“Yes, Miss Celina,” Gabriel answered easily.

Once they settled the plan, they returned to the house. Celina put down the syringe that Gabriel had given her and psyched herself up to greet the guests with a bright demeanor. Like a princess would, she maintained a smile on her face. She was polite and took care of her guests equally, becoming the ‘Snow White’ that everyone had their eyes glued on.

The guests soon changed their tune.

“Celina is such a responsible and kind person. I can’t imagine her hurting anyone, let alone her own father. I think people were jumping at shadows earlier and making a fuss out of nothing.”

“That’s my thought too. Let’s say that she wants to inherit her family’s assets, but she has no siblings to compete for the inheritance. Wouldn’t the Saunders Residence and everything belonging to them go to her after David passes on? Celina has no need to do that!”

“We’re the ones who jumped the gun when we mistook her actions.”

“That’s the case, isn’t it? She’s still young. She probably got tongue-tied because of the shock earlier.”

“Let’s not forget that she was severely shocked when Mr. Saunders got into that accident. We should toast her and console her.”

In just a few minutes, Celina was once again the belle of the ball as waves of people came to her to get themselves in her good graces.

Elise silently observed Celina’s actions from a corner. She couldn’t stop her lips from curving up into a contemptuous smile when she saw the couple who had accused Celina earlier squeeze themselves over.

Truth was an insignificant thing in this world. Justice was worth nothing. The masses typically were more interested in protecting their own interests when compared to holding onto envy and grudges.

Elise moved her gaze away and scanned the floor again. Gabriel was still absent.


an elaborate cake made

time for the

White is such a fitting

crowded over to

friends’ urging, Celina walked over to the cart with the cake. The lights dimmed appropriately, leaving only a single beam

lit the candles before the birthday song immediately rang out

as she closed her eyes and made her wish. “Dear God, please ensure that everything goes smoothly tonight. Make Elise a pariah

with a mystical energy. With her birthday wish supporting her,

on and cut the cake,

crowd’s watchful gaze, Celina stretched out the knife in her hand toward the cake. Just as she

Celina craned her neck while she called for Elise,

pricked up as she sipped

to make

put down her glass and stepped forward of

rolled her eyes at Elise, but outwardly smiled in delight. “It’s all thanks to you today that my dad is

faintly as she refused the offer. “How can I steal the birthday girl’s

cake knife in it. “So what? You’re now the savior of the Saunders Family. You’re the only one who’s worthy of cutting this cake. Don’t refuse anymore; if you keep this up, then that

Saunders has already said she’ll let you cut the cake, you should take the

to save Mr. Saunders. Maybe you might even bring some luck to the birthday girl

guests joined

didn’t agree, she would ruin the mood. She pressed her lips into a faint, thin smile, gripping

seemed that Celina’s second plan had begun. Should Elise step into the

question—she would, of course, enter

see what kind of fancy trickery that a fool who would even gamble her own father’s life is

the average person. The moment she reached the side of the cake cart and reached out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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