Cosset You Forever

Chapter 34 Depend on Her Husband

"So your staff is bullied by customers during working hours. Are you just going to let it slide? Could you please be at least a bit reasonable?" retorted Lola without restraint, as Supervisor Yuan's flattery made her sick.

"Supervisor, I can testify that this lady was the one who made trouble in the first place!" Wendy's voice was low, but it was obvious that she stood by Lola.

"Even so, you should make every effort to avoid any conflict with customers. I shouldn't have to tell you how to do your job." In comparison, Lola was nothing to Supervisor Yuan. No matter what the truth was, she would not support an employee at the price of offending the potential buyers.

"You four, do you dare to stay here and wait for my husband?" Disappointed with the supervisor's flattery and her lack of responsibility, Lola didn't want to waste breath and ignored her.

"Yes, of course. Lola, we will wait here, even if you don't ask. Who is your old man? You think you can scare us?" Stroking her newly-painted nails, Lucia Zheng watched Lola with disdain. She had every reason to believe that Lola's husband was more of an overnight millionaire than a big shot.

The man in SOHO Bar crossed Mike's mind. Mike had spent large sum of money investigating, but found nothing about him. The gangster groups even refused to disclose his name. At that moment, Mike was in a curious mood to see who that man was.

Qi family, Fu family, Zheng family and Luo family were all business tycoons in D City. "If we were to gang up on him, her husband would not stand a chance," thought Mike.

"Old man. Huh. Lucia Zheng, let's wait and see. You are going to regret it," Lola thought with a lovely smile. Although Lola did not know everything about Harry, she knew she'd better not underestimate him.

Then, a group of people - General Manager and several other senior managers of the Blue Island Mall - entered the Mirade Apparel.

"Ha-ha. Lola, you did married an old man, just as I expected." Seeing the leading 50-something-year-old bald man, Lucia Zheng burst out laughing.

Although Sara didn't laugh, the contempt on her face couldn't be disguised. Unlike them, Mike had one nagging doubt, "The man in the bar is not her husband?"

the General Manager, the troubled Wendy was too frightened to finish her words. No! Last time, he didn't sound this

about?" Lola rudely slapped Wendy on her arm. Her taste could not go so heavy as to marry someone who was

face, Wendy patted her thumping chest to calm down.

the call. Daley Xue had met the CEO on his first day in office. In his eyes, that CEO looked like a devil that could even freeze

in person, Supervisor Yuan cast a glance at Lola with a mixed feeling. Could it be that Lola was the General Manager's mistress? For

I am Mike Qi. We have had dinner together several times before." Mike shook hands

I am Sara Fu. Howard Fu is my father." Sara shook

Hann Zheng's daughter, Lucia

Cindy Luo, the daughter of William


Lola felt ashamed, for she used to depended on her

conflict arises between four second rich generations and a shopping guide, Daley Xue took it as a piece

they had dinner together several times before, Mike thought that Daley would be on his

straightened his face to scold Lola. Seeing the General

about the whole thing? Do you see the red mark on my face? How could you ask me to apologize casually? Are you blind?" argued Lola loudly. How could a mall attract so many customers while keeping these unreasonable employees? It

some of them pricked up their

dared to talk to him in that way. "What's your name?

Lola's husband? How could he treat her like that?" They looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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