Cosset You Forever

Chapter 129 Staying with the Boss Was Too Dangerous

Harry kept his poker face unchanged and started at the conference table distractedly. It seemed he neither heard her words nor saw her resignation letter.

There was a long silence before Harry spoke in a lower voice, "There is another thing. I decide to organize a party at Fontainebleau Resort this Saturday. All managers and excellent staff will be invited. It's on my treat."

Hearing Harry's words, all people were surprised. Fontainebleau Resort was the largest and most luxurious resort of SL Group. With beautiful scenery, various entertainment facilities and five-star service, it never failed to win the affection of tourists.

Seeing everybody was excited and took no notice of her resignation anymore, Lola felt embarrassed. She grasped her resignation letter in the hand and bit her lower lip while looking at Harry who seemed to ignore her resignation.

Why did he do that?

Lola thought she just looked like a clown at that time. "That's all for today." Harry said.

Then he stood up from the executive chair and walked to the door.

Julie Tan glanced at Lola and caught up with Harry.

Then all managers left the meeting room one after the other. Jeremy Duan was concerned about Lola. He came up to the pale-looking Lola and asked, "Miss Li, are you OK?"

He wondered why Lola want to resign.

Lola glanced at Jeremy, shook her head and replied with a smile, "Yes. Thank you."

Jeremy knew Lola didn't want to talk at that time so he said no more word but collected his documents and left the meeting room.

There was only Lola in the silent meeting room. She hunched over the conference table.

"It is said that period pain will be much diminished after having a baby. But why doesn't it work for me? Isn't one child enough? And I need to give birth to one more to ease my pain?" Lola wondered.

She hunched over the conference table for a very long time. Her mobile phone vibrated when she almost fell asleep.

new email from Julie Tan informing the party Harry

collected her documents

and said, "Miss Li, your telephone kept ringing. It's

am not going to take part in that discussion. Let Boss Si and

Zhu was astonished. He didn't expect Lola would go against their Boss's

still nodded and called Joey as what Lola

the telephone in the hand, which was hung up, Joey fell into anxiety. He didn't dare

him into a

up, took a deep breath and finally knocked on Harry's office door.

door and found Julie Tan was sitting on the sofa and writing a proposal while his boss was sitting

reported, "Boss. Leo just called me. He said Miss Li was busying with other things so she

words, Harry turned a cold

he just said indifferently, "OK, I

office at

in thought, "What's wrong with Lola Li?" "Miss Tan, you discuss the party with

replied. Then she collected

unwilling to discuss with me?" She

of the possibility so she planned to assign Harry and Lola two rooms that were far from each other on

the deputy CEO

was leaning back on her office chair and reading a document. She felt much better after drinking several

phone rang. Lola felt a momentary excitement before

picked up the phone and felt down when she knew it was Thomas

glass on hand and drank some hot

now?" Thomas asked her. He was busy all the morning and finally could make

and said, "I just finished a meeting.

and majestic government yard, "Nothing special.

appointment. Lola was quite enjoying at that time. If they didn't meet Harry Si at last, that appointment could have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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