Saving the ninth Girl

Damien woke up while the girls were still fast asleep. It was the birth of a new dawn. No idle clouds were seen making a scene in the sky.

He looked around the room. It was too tiny. If he decided to start the real project, he would do nothing but wake them up. That would unfair. He remembered that they were dead drunk yesterday and their heads must be aching.


He thought to himself. It seemed like he was the one delaying it. But that wasn’t really the case. He had been busy with couple of things lately. And to think of it, all the girls were now with him.

He made sure to secure them in safely before leaving. There was no sense of threat around. He left for the woods.

He flipped the window of the system out to reveal the points.

“13,000 experience points.”

He was glad that his points was increasing. It felt like his achievements were at the peak. He couldn’t imagine the numbers of things he would be able to do with the points.

(Ping! Unlocked the JUNGLE WITS feature.]


Damien repeated, getting to the border of the village of the cannibals. “Why is it called a feature instead of a skill?”

While he was walking through the woods, before getting there, he’d noticed that the woods was unusually quiet. At first he thought that it was natural since the day was just dawning. Only for a random feature to be unlocked when he arrived here. “300 experience points for exchange.”

That wasn’t much compared to the amount of points he had now. He decided to exchange points for the new feature,

has exchanged 300 points

the island. The host will randomly get strange understanding of unknown

skill sounds so

brought out tools from the system store. He walked to the nearest sturdy tree and climbed up effortlessly. He began to cut the trees into the needed shapes. Before, he couldn’t lift a short stump from a big tree, but now he could carry twice the size without feeling it. It was

be the effects of the experience points. Does

to his abs. He lifted up his cloth slowly to reveal a set

I didn’t

he getting stronger internally and mentally, but physically

wires, making wooden bars which he would set up. After he had done that for about an hour,

the top of erected fences safely, which made it easy to fix as many hunting knives as possible into the top of the fences. (Ping! System notification! Points or Tips?) The system asked him. That was strange. The system never asked his opinion before. Perhaps it was

an Acatius root? How do I know it when I


But I didn’t activate other skills

force tugged at his instinct and it

thing. He felt like kneeling down and he did. He looked under the shrubs and saw little red plants whose blue flowers kissed the damp

the flower to his nose. The

squeezed three of the blue flowers and rubbed its liquid on his neck. He smelt great. He followed the instinct to several other locations were the root was. He plucked as

then he got another idea. He began to plant the root at the base of the fences. After several hours of working, he was done. Also, he was famished. He should return to the ladies

up the fence and tumbled down. “Shit,

on his feet. He started to steal into the village of the cannibals. He found it odd that throughout the time he spent building the fence, none of the cannibals showed up. That did poke his curiousity. There were many huts in the village. “These creatures must be really intelligent.” His eyes caught a sight. He hurried in the direction. There was still no cannibal in sight? Could the village really be empty? “No

been thinking that they couldn’t keep living

“Rice! Oh, God! Rice!!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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