
Damien was smiling as he walked in the direction of the watchtower. The fresh memories of Allison on top of him left him grinning like a virgin goat. Truth be told, he had never had such a wonderful sex in his entire life.

Bring back history? If it wasn’t because of the crash-landing and the System, bruh would still be a virgin running errands, getting sacked by one club to the tossed to another.

Being a helpboy of the BMX group was a sheer luck!!! It was something he had cherished all his life before now. It was like going to prom with the hottest girl in high school. Forget about the pain and humiliation, no loser had been ever close to the BMX girls like him. Plus the pay was great too. Through BMX he was able to save his ass off and pay for his Grandpa’s surgery. The last time he saw his Grandpa was in the hospital. He was relieved that he must have been treated by now if everything was fine back at home.

These random thoughts which had just popped up in his mind were just kind reminders that eventually he would have to leave this island.


He was now at the foot of the Boabab tree, on which the watchtower was built. He was going to start climbing when suddenly he heard whining behind him. He stopped.

“What was that?”

He turned in the direction of where he thought he heard the sound from. Nothing came again.

whimpering than whining. He was convinced now. He slid down the tree and flipped out the system window. He scrolled

whenever he needed them. But some of the skills seemed innate already. It seemed like as the days goes by, the skills grow on him just like the system and start becoming a part of him. With the Navigator skill, he began to edge in the direction

the print and touched it. When he did, the green prints

to trail it till got to a place where there were creepers. The shrubs there were

“Where is it?”

had all faded off, which meant whatever or whoever was

back, looking around. Suddenly, he

“Oh shit.”

flexing its fangs at Damien. The eyes of the wolf were creepily deep and red, they sent shivers down his spines. The wolf advanced towards him. Damien took a step back. Then he noticed that the wolf couldn’t move any further. It winced and dropped on its side. Damien saw an arrow in one of the limbs


“You’re hurt.”

life hanging on

realized what he

“Yes, my island.”

that feeling didn’t last for

an intruder, then –” “Who are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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