A heartwarming discovery.

“Hey girls.” Damien thought it right to greet first before letting them know his mind. All the girls were standing before him. It was really strange that they always go in group like a flock of sheeps.

“Come live with me for few days –”

“Why would we?”

Claire had cut in. She didn’t even let him complete the statement. She continued.

“Looking for more slaves aren’t we?” He knew what she was doing, but he didn’t understand why she would continue to be like that? Could she at least be reasonable for once?

Though he’d been curious to know what Allison whispered to Claire the other day at the pond. He couldn’t ask Allison of course. But he could feel something in his guts. There must be a reason that Claire hates him that much.

“Would you let me finish –”

BITCH, he wanted to add but he couldn’t. He didn’t want his emotions to rule his mind. The matter was a serious and delicate one.

of what he is or how dangerous he is, but there’s a strange creature roaming the woods. It would be safer to

hurt. He felt responsible for their safety. The feeling was strange. Probably he felt that way because he’d never had something to rely on.

yet… let’s not call names. But potentially, he’s dangerous.” “And you think we can’t take care of ourselves?” That was Mira stepping forward. Claire joined in at once. “No,

turned into a gawk. At that moment, all he could think of Claire was A

the thoughts which tumbled upon

take care of ourselves, you hear that? So go back

Accortworming discovery,

the girls, Lisa was always quiet. But what got into her now? Oh, he remembered. She must always stand a ground for her Crush. It was quite a reasonable thing to do, right? “I hope you come to your senses.” Damien

should bury the

there. He found the corpses and flipped out the window system. He brought out a spade from the system store and began to dig. After much effort, he buried the brothers. He still didn’t have the guts to take their clothes. He was sure that sooner or later, he might find another opportunity that wouldn’t cost him much emotions. He didn’t bury the rifles. He picked them up and edged in the direction of the watchtower. He slid the rifles to his back; they had ropes hanging around them. He climbed up the Boabab tree and got to the top of the watchtower. He kept the guns there. He took that opportunity to have a scope of the whole island. The land seemed too big. But far towards his East, he could see mountains, but there seemed to be a little part of ocean surrounding the mountain. He couldn’t be sure yet. “I have a lot of things to do. I have to explore this island to see if there are other valuable things, or maybe threats.” “I have to start making big bows and arrows, maybe crossbows too.” “I need to plant rice around the castle, have a bathtub,

had been restless and chided all his life? Now that he had something he could call comfort, you bet he would make the

interesting seemed to be in view. He could see how blue the horizon of

he decided to slid down the tree. He

warming discovery

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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