Cruel World

Chapter 50: chap49

Chap 49


Tom felt his whole body was numb...his cant blink his eyes...the things he is seeing in the video was not only boiling his blood but also putting him in the grave of guilt that he and his family have created when they ruin Sarah lives

He cants watch it he stops the video and closes his teardrop falls from his eye 'fuck's(he shakes his head) what we did, oh god'

'i just lost the most beautiful thing in my life' Theo said in a painful manner

Tom look at his brother ...whose head was down and has a dead and broken expression that made him winced. He walks towards theo and put his hand on his shoulder

Theo looks up with tears in his eyes 'I ruined her...i fucking destroyed for something she never did...she was innocent all the time...fuck his brother Simon was also innocent. How (Theo grab Tom shoulder) how can we wrong we can miss this' he yelled

Tom closed his eyes...he can't see his brother raw pain. He has seen Theo angry, sad, even happy too but never this guilty, the pain he can see in theo eyes made him more guilty because he himself was never a saint but in opposite he enjoyed a lot when he sees Sarah suffer, whenever Sarah was punished... he liked it cause it made him think Tina will be happy that's why he always see and never stop...fuck he remember those days when he use to look down on her...degrade her....made Lisa to never be friend with her....but all this time Sarah never said anything to her

Tom sighs and said in guilt 'I don't know how we can be wrong. That fucking perry was really good in hiding the evidence'.

But theo shake his head and punched his chest 'or maybe we have already decided it was indeed Sarah and Simon so we never put our focus on other things(theo sit down tiredly ) I can't....tom I can't live with this pain....this guilt will kill me...the things I did with her...those sadistic punishment I have given her....the way I used to degrade her and let everyone in this family degrade her daily....and that abuse and scars that I have given so ashamed, I even did those things with her that I can't even tell anyone not even you...because not only it kills me but also take me back to those days.... I'm not better than animal perry who hurt Tina' Theo put both his hand in his face

Tom can't see his brother pain 'theo like you I'm also responsible. I also hurt her immensely. I treated her worse than an animal...just

Theo shouted than 'but you never physically and emotionally hurt her beyond that put her life in threat. I'm that fucking bastard..'

Theo stand 'I will... I will go to the police and confess everything... I can't live in such guilt it's breaking me inside out... I soon I'm done with this bastard Perry I will tell everything'

Tom was quiet but when he realized how serious theo was...Tom holds theo arm 'no brother won't do anything ...our anger has already put has in this more and I think Mark has already settled that bastard in jail and about going to police you won't go alone I will also go with you... I also

Theo remove his arm 'no I will wont

Tom try to stop him and said 'Just leave this to Sarah guys need to talk first ...fuck i also want to talk ...and more importantly think about Ava and her finally together...dont do this to that innocent have already taken her mother now don't take her father'

By Ava name tom saw how Theo eyes were filled with tears and he put his hand on his head ...Tom go to him and hug him 'brother im with you are not alone in this guilt'



(In The Court Room)

'So Mr Perry Moles do you confess that you abducted Tina Grey on 12 dec night and also sexually assaulted her'

Theo clanged his fist..he wanted to kill this bastard by his bear hand...Theo can see Mark was also looking at Perry in anger

Perry do not say anything...Theo was more furious..why the fuck he is not saying anything...all the evidence and witness statement has been shown ...even jury members were looking at Perry in hate and disgust

The lawyer said again 'Do you confess Mr cant lie anymore all the evidence are in front of everyone....everyone knows you are the main culprit, not Sarah Grey'

Theo flinched and also saw Mark hateful glare on him.Theo guilt was getting more when Mark stare told him that he made a biggest mistake of his life

Perry nervously said 'yes i confess...i kidnapped Tina, then raped her and then try to kill her. Sarah and Simon has nothing to do with Tina grey death'

Theo was trying to control his anger

Lawyer then said again 'than why you did this and why you put this blame on Sarah grey and her brother Simon Blake'

she came on that night...i found the perfect time and give the waitress some money to drugged sarah...but i didn't know that that drugged milk was given to Tina....i knew afterward when Sarah was gone home...i got angry...i was...i was sexually frustrated that why she is so hard to get....then i saw Simon with tina...i got angry that he stop me to get

'How you put the blame on

i also keep drugging Simon to keep him unconscious otherwise i knew he will try to save her and i will be a plan was formed in my mind...i already made tina believe that Simon was also involved so i kept Simon in his car to make it look more real...after third day i stabbed Tina so that her murder blame goes on Simon...but when i saw Simon was already gone as some people has taken him to the hospital...i got i run away but some how Simon found me and he told me that he knew what i did with tina and he will tell the police...i knew i have to do something with him too so I sabotage his car brakes that made him

as Sarah is concern i found that from club people Tina brother was looking for 12 dec night event and was asking for Sarah roles in just came in my mind to play along and put the

the court house was extremely stunned

the court has ordered to put Perry moles in main jail and

stands to face the guilt of his life...but thoe also know he will not get peace util he talks to

they get out

he received it

was suddenly changed into worry 'no I'm coming...just be with her ...try to relax her im on mt way' mark end

stop where you are it, Sarah ..she is ok? '

care you should be happy finally your sister murder is behind

by day he said in shame 'mark if you want to kill me than do it I will happily serve myself to

don't care what you want and no my sister is not ok...she is awake but she is crying like a mad women leave my way n then

brow ...why she is crying...

when he heard Sarah painful sobbing 'Ava....they kill her...Ava....I don't want to live ....just let me

feet were freeze he cant believe what he was hearing... why Sarah think Ava is dead.. theo shake his head...he doesn't even

where mark was trying to calm her...after five minutes there were no voices ...mark came out with angry

a bitch..... how cruel your family can get more' Mark point a finger

They look confuse 'what'

telling her Ava is dead...she showed her some fake evidence that made her believe her and she try to kill you got an hour to bring Ava then she will relax...fuck i came her

low his mom will

said in a serious voice 'stop your drama like

you have know reason to

shrugs 'i don't fucking care

thinking something else 'No Ava wont come here now...until i talk to

don't bring Ava now i sure as hell can go to court and ask for custody and you know what i will do that first thing

remove his hands 'if Sarah wants me behind the bar for i did then i will happily surrender myself but now i need to talk to her....(he sighs) and about custody thing then it will take a lot of time and Ava is my daughter i will fight for her too .... im not saying Ava will not come here ...all im saying not today let me talk to Sarah please....then i will bring Ava first thing in the morning and that my

let him speak to also stay there but let him talk so

'oh god...(then he look at Theo) you have 10 minutes and the door will be open if you disturb her or if she panic than i will beat

Theo nodes.

large room, he saw Sarah was aimlessly looking at the window and she look

has inside was also not helping was making him worse ....he feel the tears behind

down on one of the chairs

reply as she was lost in her thoughts but then theo said again but

tense and she slowly turn her head and her eyes were scared so



believe him...but if Mark is not right...she feel the sudden fear of

was way too familiar touch and voice...then it clicks to her she nervously looked and saw it was theo..she become tense ....oh god what she did....he will hurt her....he will not let Ava come to meet her....she

disturb and his eyes look so guilty ..'Sarah please calm down i will not hurt you i

winced did she said that

wiped them 'im sorry baby so

he telling her something about Ava? she gasp

is perfectly alright...she is in the house with dad...nothing happens to her ...(theo took out

she saw the most beautiful child....she put her hand on her mouth 'she is so big and

smile 'yeah she looks

a breath in relief

'not right now Sarah

hate me but please let me see her....i don't know when i will see her again after they will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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