Chapter 40 Robert, This Isn’t Necessary Between Us

Crystal didn’t say anything.

Robert quietly watched her for a moment before he set the wine glass down and stood up. “Let’s eat.”

“You don’t have to do this.” Crystal wore a cold expression on her face.

The man started chuckling when he heard those words.

He walked up to her and pinched her sharp chin as he murmured, “You’re right. We don’t have to do this. After all, you think I’m a monster! Crystal, do you hate me that much?”

She stood up straight. She wasn’t going to let herself cry for a man like him.

It wasn’t worth it.

Staring at him, she stated, “My loving or hating you doesn’t change the outcome.”

“Love me, then. It will at least make you feel better, hmm?” Once he started gently stroking her face, he realized he couldn’t take his hands off her.

He was surrounded by other women, not to mention a beautiful fiancee.

to take a bite of for four whole years. Now, he wanted to gobble her up and have her right down

about we negotiate a deal now, and you stay here tonight?”

went red despite the extraordinarily calm

to stay with you, you will have to wait until the day my father and stepmother have safely left Barnwood. There is nothing for us to

he took a

did you have such

must have been in a good mood today as he surprisingly agreed to her words. “Sure, we will do as you say. As long as you promise to be with me, I

out a relieved sigh

Robert hugged her slender waist and propped his chin on her thin shoulder as he cooed, “I’ll buy you a villa in the suburbs and I’ll accompany you when I’m

cold and indifferent, but she didn’t

a child! Crystal, I want a cute

she threw up in her mouth

else would he do all kinds of bad

him made her whole body turn stiff from her rejection of

Robert was well aware of how she felt.

only snickered

within his grasp now, anyway. He could just take the time to train her. To him, Crystal was a


her to the entrance of

now had a bundle of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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