Chapter 46 Don’t Regret It Later, Babe

Robert refused to believe Crystal’s words. “What about your parents? Are you just going to sit by and watch them go to jail?”

However, Grystal saw no point in explaining. Instead, she kept it vague. “I’m not going back to your villa anymore. I’ll send the key back to you.”

Robert could feel his heart lurch at her statement.

What made her suddenly change her mind? Before he could ask further, she ended the call.

Robert called his secretary, a shadow darkening his expression. “Find out how John Winters is doing lately.”

The secretary immediately did as she was instructed. Five minutes later, the secretary reported to him in a shaky voice, “Mr. Sloan, John has appointed a new lawyer. I’ll keep digging.”

“There’s no need.” With that, Robert ended the call.

He decided to pay a visit to the detention center. Who dares take the case without my permission? I’ll prove to them it’ll change nothing.

Robert quickly opened the car door and drove toward the detention center. The injury on his waist hadn’t healed and his movements only opened the wound, causing blood to redden his bandages. However, he paid no mind to it.

the detention center. Upon getting out of his car, he saw a stunning man walking out of the building with people

other than Henry

branded suit Henry wore made him look

as the executives around Henry humbly

well. She smiled at the rest. “It seems like we must part here. I appreciate

smiled upon hearing that.

all, they were dealing with a Miller. They had to

turned on his heel to leave, the group exchanged a smile. One of them began, “We have finally

agreed with

influential. That made him the subject of

clenched his fists as he

it’s Henry who took the case!

to return


chosen one, walking over to him.

shoulder with a small smile, looking as if nothing happened. “Melora told me you’re injured and I was just

a blank expression.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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