Chapter 60 Tell Them That We’ll Be at the Gathering Right on the Dot

Madison quietly and excessively cussed as she reluctantly picked up the phone.

There was a tinge of hoarseness in Henry’s magnetic voice. “Why aren’t you at home? Where are you?”

Madison glanced at Crystal. F*ck! He really ate her right down to her bones! I knew something was weird when Mr. Winters recovered all of a sudden and Robert has a lot of sh*t he has to clean out of nowhere. It turns out that this was all orchestrated by Henry! I have to say, it is pretty remarkable to witness the most powerful person in the legal field speaking up for a woman.

Being the bold person she was at making the best out of human resources, Madison purposely lowered her voice and greeted, “Mr. Miller, it’s Madison White speaking. Uh–huh, I’m the one who went to university with Crystal. We met before! Yes, yes… She’s with me. She has been bawling her eyes out and has had quite a lot to drink.”

Henry had just returned home. He was now standing in front of the window, gently adjusting his necktie with his slender fingers.

Even though his movements were simple, it was elegant and pleasing to the eye.

He frowned upon hearing Madison’s words. “She has been drinking? What happened to her?”

-Madison let out a soft sigh and started fabricating a false narrative.

“Mr. Miller, are you genuinely unaware or are you pretending to be clueless? Crystal has completely fallen out with Robert because of her devotion toward you! Moreover, Robert’s ex happens to be our classmate and Crystal’s colleague. That woman sure doesn’t hold back when she tries to smear Crystal’s reputation… Crystal is really fond of children. I can only imagine how devastated she is…”

up, Madison became somewhat

hurt Crystal

had unintentionally revealed Robert’s scandal after a prolonged period of silence from Henry. I won’t

interrupted and asked, “Where

dare ask any questions as she quickly gave

after the call ended. She had helped Crystal before, but she never thought that her friend could

there was a famous actress who accompanied Henry to a banquet. Despite thinking she had a chance to marry into a wealthy family, she ended up not getting even a business card

a joke within the entertainment industry.

and put on a motherly

be a fool to not make full use

time as she called the contact person for the

and I will attend the reunion next Saturday,”

is coming

she be there? She knows she

lot of people who want to see Crystal make an embarrassment of herself. I’ll let them enjoy themselves for a few days. I bet they are going to

was in the middle of her musing when Henry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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