Chapter 67 Do You Miss Me

Crystal blushed. Even though I’ve been with Henry for a while now, I still feel pressured if I initiate intimate moments. Besides, he doesn’t even have time to come home. It’s not like I can go to his office and…

Her cheeks burned even hotter.

Henry had been extremely occupied by his work that he didn’t have time to rest on his own bed.

Crystal didn’t feel it was appropriate to bother him with her matter.

She continued to deliver breakfast and clothes to him, but he said nothing.

On Wednesday, Crystal accompanied John for a day.

At night, she prepared meatballs for Henry’s breakfast the next day.

As she was busy, Henry called her.

It was likely he was exhausted because his voice was hoarse. “I’ll be back soon.”

stunned. Her cheeks

reply, Henry softened his tone as

I’ll make dinner.

of answering her question, he asked, “Do you

imagined him sitting properly in a suit at his office as he held

separated, she still felt

feel as if he had released hot

I bring up the class reunion when Henry returns? Should I really

was done,

so many days, he remained and some when he saw Crystal setting down the dishes

thought he would still remember and

I’ll treasure it because he genuinely cares for me. I don’t feel like he’s playing with me at

hand. Crystal pecked

it had been days since they met, and they had yet to have proper sex, they were immediately

they could still restrain themselves. However, as they continued to make out,

was especially active and

against her and smiled.

haven’t received the invitation yet, but it should be around seven. I’ll let you know the location once I receive it.” Worried, she added, “Will this really not get in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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