Chapter 123 Henry Is Serious

Crystal rested her head on the pillow, and she seemed to have become a lot weaker due to her sickness. “I don’t want to go to the hospital,” she muttered. I can’t bring myself to go to the hospital because of this. That would be so embarrassing.

Hearing that, Henry caressed her cheek before taking his phone from the bedside table and calling Jamie. “Jamie, send me a doctor.”

“Yes. My hotel room number is 3601.”

“No. The doctor is for Crystal. She’s sick.”

Jamie was shocked, and it took him a long time to snap back to his senses. Why aren’t they home but in a hotel? Mr. Miller sure knows how to spice things up!

Jamie was good at what he did, so he immediately found a good family doctor and brought the doctor to Henry.

When they arrived at the hotel room, Henry opened the door for them.

Before the doctor could say anything, Henry frowned and asked Jamie, “Why did you bring a male doctor?”

Jamie was confused. Does the doctor’s gender matter?

Instead of inviting them in, Henry instructed Jamie, “Get me a female doctor. Not only do I need her to be a good doctor, but I also need her to have respect for one’s privacy.”

Henry knew Crystal would feel embarrassed easily.

As quick–witted as ever, Jamie instantly found a well–respected gynecologist in Barnwood. As it turned out, the gynecologist was truly skillful. Instead of an IV drip, the gynecologist merely- prescribed Crystal some oral medications.

By noon, Crystal’s body temperature had returned to normal.

However, she was worn out, so she continued sleeping.

Jamie also stayed at the hotel, and he was in shock as he helped tidy up the presidential suite.

on the phone on the couch in the bedroom. After a while, he approayfied Crystal and touched her hands. Her fingertips are so sofi, so it’s obvious she rarely does house chores. However, I told Marie to take a break

recalled the days when they had just moved in together. Those days were blissful. Back then, she would Mush whenever I looked at her. I knew she liked me. Note, however the nurely

was having a hard time coming to terms with

around four in the afternoon, he brought Crystal back to the condominium, but she still felt

summoned the

over Crystal, the doctor said the morning–after pill was

to the bedroom. When he saw Crystal lying on the pillow, he couldn’t help thinking about what had happened the night before. I had so much fun last night, and I don’t think I’ve

was rather remorseful because Crystal had fallen

caressed her check, he said, “I won’t let

Crystal averted

leaned in to kiss her, and he

“Henry… I think it’s about time you stop,” she murmured. We have chemistry, but it has been so long, and the

kept mum and stared at her. Stop? I want more! So far, she’s the only woman I want to sleep with! Silence ensued, and the

in a choked voice, “From now on, I won’t go to the hotel with

recalled what had happened the

the atmosphere in the room became tense, his phone suddenly

a call from a childhood friend, so Henry answered the call and put it on loudspeaker. “What

buzzkill, but Audrey has organized another gathering tonight. We’ll get Seth to offer his apology! By the way, you didn’t do anything harsh to Crystal, did you? It’s normal for women to throw a tantrum once in a while. She’s jealous because she cares about you! I know your temper too well! If you want,

Instead, he flashed

and she threw a pillow at Henry. “Who said I was jealous? Henry, you’re free to

answered, “I didn’t say anything. Charles said


a long while, he changed his tone and said,

said, “Henry, let’s go! It’s rare for Audrey

from going out. No one in our group is dating a control freak. They’re always obedient and meek enough not to meddle too much in our affairs. Those that have bad lempers

uttered flatly, “Count me

was surprised. “Henry, I was told to convince

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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