Chapter 128 Let Us Break Up

The room was deathly quiet.

Suddenly, the words tumbled out of Crystal’s mouth. “What woman who simply sleeps with a man prepares dinner for him to come home to? Didn’t you take advantage of me, Henry!”

Henry swallowed.

He did not know how much pain his indulgences had caused Crystal.

He stared at her.

After a long time, he said softly, “I didn’t know it bothered you so.”

Crystal gave a self–deprecating laugh.

Returning his gaze, she said bluntly, “I take it seriously because it bothers me. I can’t stand the thought of it, Henry. So what?”

Suddenly, she regained her calm. Her voice fell flat and lifeless.

“Let’s break up, Henry.”

Henry stared at her.

A moment later, he spoke. “Are you breaking up with me over what happened tonight? Has it occurred to you that things between us are not going to end if I didn’t want them to, Crystal?”

Crystal’s eyes grew red.

Of course I know that.

She knew all too well what Henry was capable of. He did not want to get married so he could keep having fun. On the other hand, she, Crystal Winters, must have been the most interesting woman he had come across, seeing as he was still not sick of her yet.

What a scum. Go to h*ll!

Clenching her fists to restrain herself, Crystal maintained her nonchalant tone.

“We don’t have to break up. If you are ever in need of anything, Mr. Miller, I’m only a phone call away.”

Henry stared at her. His tone was light. “So you saying that you would come to the apartment and sleep with me if my needs arise? Are you moving out of our home, Crystal?”

As soon as he spoke, he took a step forward and pinned Crystal against the television cabinet.

The screen illuminated their intertwined figures and made them look particularly odd at his amorous advances.

Henry’s patience was wearing thin.

never accommodated any woman to this

grabbed her sharp chin and kissed


she did not shove him away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck


gesture. She stroked his

in his car. “A relationship like ours is

Henry froze.

himself up, he stared down at


moved at all. Her

with his slender

Crystal quivered.

Though he had needs, his masculine pride did not allow

over, he nipped her

broken up with Audrey, his father remains my friend, and we will never quarrel to this extent. You may move out if you wish, but don’t regret

must feel awful, having been deprived of my candy

women could never say


Henry chuckled softly.

foot of the bed, he adjusted his belt in front of her. There was a hint of mockery in his languid

is. His

was, despite his reputation of being the Grim Reaper of the legal world or of the financial genius, he was invincible when it came to

a furious

easily. Grabbing hold of her, he closed

feel sorry for you, Crystal. You wouldn’t want to play

eyes glistened

more. Though he still yearned

left, slamming the door loudly behind

displeased the powerful man, but she did not

to move anymore, she pulled the quilt over her and fell groggily

she awoke, she found a pillow between her

of habit, she

daze, she opened

it be him? We had a huge fight last

She was about to

important to

back onto her pillow. “What

laced with a little sheepishness. “It turns out that the owner of the music center we used to work at is migrating, and he

Crystal froze.

of acquiring it,

laughed. “I can’t do it by myself! That is why I’m talking

we can secure at least thirty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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