Chapter 113 “I brought all the gifts that Serenity and Zachary bought last time into my room because I was so angry about this going Dutch issue.” Liberty sat on a chair.

Serenity went into the small kitchen , took some fruit from the refrigerator , washed them, and offered them to Liberty while Jasmine poured a glass of warm water for her. She took a few sips of water and decided to tell them about her family troubles.

She came over today because she felt aggrieved and frustrated, seeking her sister to confide in. If Liberty did not find someone to talk to, she was afraid she would fall into depression.

Moreover, Liberty had known Jasmine for many years and knew that she could keep a secret.

Liberty continued, “When I woke up the next day, Hank sent his family away, which I was glad to see, but before they left, they took all the gifts that Seren and her husband gave me “My sister in–law even took some of Sonny‘s toys.

I was so angry whien I found out, but Hank said that we don‘t lack those things, so he gave them all to his sister “Does his sister lack those things then? His sister and her husband are working and have a steady income.

My parents–in–law are helping them to take care of their children and they too have social insurance, so their pensions combined are more than enough for their expenses.

still want Hank to give

family? “His sister and her husband‘s income

support and was willing to spend money on his sister, no


nerve to spend her brother‘s money to support her family?!” Liberty could not understand

to subsidize his sister‘s family, yet he still

Hank was

for putting up such a good act before she

pretended to be nice for so many years and

married Hank, got pregnant, and gave birth to Sonny, they finally revealed their true colors. “It‘s right for a son to support his parents, but

income and had to stretch out her hand to ask a man for every cent, she would unconsciously lower herself and lose her confidence and place in the household. Liberty knew what it felt

to subsidize their daughter? It could be justified if their daughter was struggling to make a living,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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