"Judging from his blood test result, he seems to be suffering from a viral infection, but thankfully there is no inflammation. This viral infection is a self-limiting disease. Usually, we will only treat the symptoms, but the young master has not shown any symptoms so far."

Meredith hurriedly went up and informed the doctor, "He threw up in the morning not long after he had breakfast!"

"Throwing up is not a symptom. It's normal to suffer from indigestion and vomit after a high fever. Young Master Jamie has not had Roseola before. Based on our observation, we highly suspect that he is having Roseola now. This particular disease affects newborns in the first two weeks after birth. Even though it's odd that he suffers from this disease at four years old, it is not totally impossible either." Then, the doctor went on to say, "What we need to do is to keep a close eye on his condition. We will only interfere if his fever still does not go away after taking the medicine, or if he gets seizures from the fever. For now, my suggestion is to place him under observation because there is no way to test for Roseola. We can only wait for seventy-two hours before we can decide if it is truly Roseola."

After listening to the doctor's lengthy but clear explanation, Meredith felt more assured because his professional advice matched the description provided by the person she had called just now. However, John remained gravely concerned. "What if it is not Roseola?"

"Well, we don't have a better way to tackle this problem. Our only choice is to closely observe his situation and provide medical assistance at any moment if needed." The doctor expressed his helplessness and added, "A child's thermoregulation system is not fully developed, so it is very easy for them to experience high fever from time to time. This is a process he will go through to develop his immune system. Personally, I do not recommend a full medical check-up because the child will only suffer more."

under the care of this doctor. Therefore, John had full trust in

Jameson alternated between high fever and recovery as torturous hours

From a distance away, Selena noticed that Juniper's shoulders were drooping as if she was in low spirits, but

who then pulled her aside. "What's wrong? You look

stayed in the car because her movie star identity would bring unnecessary attention upon

the other kids and me, so I got quite upset about it. It's nothing serious." She quickly flashed a smile to convince Selena. However, Selena could tell that it was a forced smile. Despite that, she did not force her daughter to confess the truth. She's a big girl and keeps her own

"surprise mybaby"

Juniper into the car. The second they opened the door, Jude's slender legs came into sight. "Surprise! My

Jude!" Juniper's eyes widened in joy and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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