"By the way, isn't Selena Yard-the president of JNS Corporation-your half-sister?" Helen looked at Meredith tentatively. "Mrs. Fowler, I'm not at liberty to say anything about her."

However, Helen seemed to be able to see through Meredith. "Meredith, the Fowler Family has long since regarded you as the mistress of the family throughout the past few years. What could still be off-limits between us? Just tell me. It's okay, for I know my limits."

After a moment's hesitation, Meredith answered, "Mrs. Fowler, this sister of mine... Well, it's a long story. Her mother passed away when she was young, and my mother wasn't in the position to really discipline her since she was merely a stepmother, so she'd always been running wild at home. She had a boyfriend in her teenage years, and her entire personal life is a mess. For some inexplicable reason, she has always despised me and my sister, so she's perturbed when we're doing well. You saw what happened during my sister's wedding with Finneas Lake. In reality, the truth wasn't as she claimed. It was her who fooled around outside and got pregnant with some man, so Finneas dumped her, but she pushed all the blame on my sister. Nonetheless, we're family, so we didn't want to make a huge fuss out of it." Helen naturally knew that Meredith's words contained falsehoods, but it would also be bad for her if Selena truly got together with Pierre, so she had to stand with Meredith. "Don't worry, Meredith. I'll definitely keep a close eye on Jojo and Jamie. As for Selena and Pierre, you know that I can't say anything since I'm only his stepmother. Pierre is still young, so perhaps he's only sowing his wild oats?" Then, she took Meredith's hand. "Actually, relationships are like flying a kite. The more you pull it closer to you, the farther it flies. However, when you let go, it'll draw closer to you instead. Most importantly, the string must be in your hands."

Meredith mulled her words over carefully before she smiled and nodded. She's right. The string must be in my hand. I need to wait for an opportunity; the perfect opportunity. Just you wait, Selena Yard!

third day after Pierre and Selena put on a public display of affection, Pierre was summoned to John's office for a talk. In John's office, Pierre sat on the chair lazily and leaned back,

Yard?" The media reports were extremely suggestive, and everyone was speculating on this issue, so he

dating." Pierre had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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