"The press conference has officially commenced. You may all ask any questions you want, but you need to raise your hand and speak in order. We're all civilized people, so I think everyone here understands this concept." The host was extremely blunt in his speech.

The reporters looked at each other. Shouldn't it be Selena Yard who first explains and elaborates the matter before taking questions from the reporters? Yet, she's not planning to say anything or justify herself?

Selena was naturally no fool. She knew that these people would know her trump card once she explained things, and when that happened, no explanation would matter since they'd only believe whatever they wanted to believe. Therefore, she couldn't reveal her trump card yet.

"Alright, then. My question to you is this, Selena Yard. You've always had a grudge against Megan Yard, and rumor has it that you even declared that she stole your childhood sweetheart who was your fiancé then. Is this true?" a reporter questioned, being the first to have gathered his wits around him.

"It's true. For specific details, you can refer to the news reports back then, so I won't bother rehashing everything here," Selena answered with all the calmness in the world.


Selena merely smiled. "Next question,

out, and they all asked this same question in succession until a reporter changed the wording and asked, "Selena Yard, do

her previous responses, Selena

So, this press

complicated. There's no right or wrong. Who knows, it might have been your ex-fiancé who betrayed you and seduced her in the first place. She'd indeed crossed moral boundaries in doing so, but her crime isn't so grave that she has to pay with her life. Yet, you want to kill

to kill her?" Selena sneered. "Yet, you're all condemning me from the perspective of the public. Are you people bribed

vacillating from red to white.

stood up and asked, "Can you please tell us why you hate your sister so much?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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