Juniper clapped her hands in delight at the sight of those familiar faces.

A pink-haired woman called Barbie came up to them first, and she hugged Selena. "You're finally back, Selena. Just in time for your welcoming banquet. Everyone pitched in."

"Yeah, Selena. It has been years since you left, hasn't it?" a burly man with a crew cut asked. He was Ken, Barbie's lover.

"Years? Are you stupid? It has only been months!" Barbie corrected him quickly.

There was another lady standing at the side. She was short-haired and quiet, and she only smiled at Selena as a greeting; the lady was Melissa. The man beside her was a handsome one, and he had blue eyes; he was Melissa's lover, Joshua.

conversation, and his face darkened, which made everyone keep their silence. Hades

merry. When the banquet was coming to a close, Barbie whispered into Selena's ear, "You should see

knew Hades came for her for something, and she knew the meeting was inevitable. After

looked like it came out of a history book, and it suited Hades. Selena knocked on the door before going


any longer, but I've completed my

she sounded as if she was reporting her progress to her employer, but also trying to negotiate with him. One of the most important reasons she left Astoria in a hurry was because she no longer wanted to be a spy for Hades and send him any information regarding Fowler

trained you myself. You could have escaped the situation easily,

kept quiet, for Hades was speaking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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