Juniper snatched them from Joaquin and tore the packet of cookies to devour the content. "Say thank you," Joaquin lectured.

"Will you get me some chocolate if I do?"


"Thank you, Joaquin! You're the best!" Juniper shouted. Selena sighed and shook her head. Whatever shall I do about this girl? She's shameless just like me. Then Joaquin went to get some chocolates. They must be getting along well though, since they're adapting to the change fairly well. Now all that's left is Jameson. Selena started worrying, then someone called her. "Hey, Jude. Really? I'm at the hospital!" Jude showed up with Jameson ten minutes later, and Selena gave her son a bear hug. My son's finally back!

"Mommy!" Jameson changed the way he addressed Selena. Jude told him everything on the way, and he didn't find it unacceptable. On the contrary, he wanted her to be his mother.

her. Jameson hugged her and gave her a lot of kisses, slathering her face with drool. Before Selena could raise any complaints, Jude grumbled, "What's with you son? He kisses everyone he sees.

with your brother, and

own devices. The moment they were outside, Selena gave Jude a tight hug.

away in disgust. "Like

turn into tears,

the mood. "You damned woman!"

your son back." Jude

Selena knew

won't be giving you any gift money

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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