She knew who the man was. Satan's lackey. He was looking at her, his face inscrutable. "The boss said you're free."

Jude stared back at him.

"He said he won't dwell on your betrayal any longer, nor would he use Pierre's woman and children. He'll fight him fair and square."

Jude wanted to sit up, but she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried. "The boss said you and us are over now." Then he left. She was free, but Jude didn't feel any satisfaction from it. She knew she would never see Satan anymore for as long as she lived. She insisted on getting discharged three days after that. The doctor objected, saying she was still too wounded to do that, but she didn't want to stay in the hospital any longer. She got herself a ticket for a flight back to Digton as soon as she could.

It was farewell to Springvale, for she thought she would never return to that land. But she was at a loss when she disembarked at Digton. She had no home, no family, and was wounded all over. I can't see Selena like this. She plopped down at the roadside near the airport, the night breeze blowing across her. She flipped through her contacts and noticed she had someone she could call, and call she did.

she could, but Wyatt was a doctor. He knew something was off with her the moment he laid eyes on her. She was

She had never felt that way before. Her mother died when she was still young, and her father was a policeman. She'd either stay home alone, visit the neighbor's place, or go to the police station

a child then. She started going on a hunger strike and threatened to starve herself to

some rare ones. Her life was an exhausting one up until that point, but she didn't want to live that kind of life anymore. All she wanted

date, my little doctor," she

Wyatt liked Jude even before he knew her, and he was obsessed with her after

but you can forget it if you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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