Just at this time, several police officers suddenly walked in and showed their documents to Helen. "Hello, Mrs. Helen Fowler. We're sorry for your loss, but now, our suspect has requested to perform a detailed autopsy, so we are now going to take the body away."

It was like a bolt from the blue! Helen didn't even know there was such a thing as a 'detailed autopsy'.

"No, you can't take him away! He's already dead! Don't torment him, okay? He died so unjustly, so can't we just let him rest in peace?" screamed Helen. Then, she broke down and cried again. Helen had completely disregarded her image as she lay on the crystal coffin and sobbed her heart out.

The officers were also helpless at the sight. No one wanted to run into this kind of thing, but it couldn't be helped.

"Sorry, but please cooperate with our work. I believe you must also want to find the real killer and not wrong any innocent people. We must not let the real culprit go, right?"

and she still won't stop at it!

like a madwoman while everyone at the scene began to talk

has died, but he still

thing in the world is a woman's heart. She's too vicious for not

up to hold Helen and comforted, "Mom,

ran a hand along

was canceled, and Helen returned home. Her eyes were swollen because she had been crying for the past two days, and her

make decisions. Did John leave a will before he died?" The person who spoke was Joseph Fowler. He was from John's generation and was John's younger cousin. Apart from John, he was the eldest in his generation, and he also had the most shares in Fowler Corporation. Moreover, he held an important position, so naturally, he was to take

handkerchief and wiped her tears. "It's all because of this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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