Soon, the Fowlers leaned toward supporting a divorce between Pierre and Selena. In their eyes, Selena was a cunning lady. She had a net worth of several billion now, so there was no doubt that she had married Pierre for the family inheritance. As John's daughter-in-law, she would definitely be entitled to a portion of the inheritance, and her portion would be larger than the others. For the others, this would be a zero-sum game. The more inheritance she received, the lesser the remaining share to be distributed among the other members of the family.

The Fowler relatives were glad to know that Chris was not related to John by blood, because Helen and Chris would therefore be ineligible for John's inheritance. Similarly, that would mean more pie to be distributed among the rest.

That was the reason they urged Pierre and Selena to share the will.

If they could drive a wedge between Pierre and Selena's relationship, they could potentially receive more share of the inheritance.

Their faces and chatter disgusted Pierre, who now looked annoyed. "Selena, don't you think the noises here are getting quite annoying?"

Everyone immediately understood the meaning behind his words and shut up.

"Yes, it's quite annoying.

hand and attempted to walk out

he was once again stopped

of the will. How could you leave? Just announce the details. Everyone

make it public. We can't leave the company's fate hanging. Our employees are also concerned about the future of the company. If you have the will with you, please share it now."

looked at Selena and asked, "Selena, should we make the will public

wondered how he had changed from an authoritative figure to a

behavior because they thought he would hold a grudge

Selena was the one who handed John the glass of poisoned wine. She must have harbored intentions to murder her father-in-law! How could Pierre possibly spare her! "They're kicking up a fuss here. I'd say we hold the

her hand and kissed the back of it. "Selena,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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