"Yes. I overheard everything that I should and shouldn't have heard." Pierre's tone suddenly softened. "I had overlooked your feelings. I should have comforted you. You went through a lot during this time, and you shouldered the pressure that I should have faced on my own," he gently caressed her palm and said. "I never blamed you. If I were in prison, I would have signed the consent form for the autopsy to prove my innocence too. So you don't have to feel bad about anything. As for the relatives, just ignore them. You know they are difficult people. I will protect you well."

She rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that from you."

"Don't blame yourself anymore. Promise?"

"I promise." She smiled softly at him.

"You shouldn't feel that this would be a problem between us. There's nothing between us to begin with," he drew closer to her and whispered suggestively in her ear. "Nothing between us at all."

Her face immediately turned beet red as she hit his chest with her fists. "Look at you! You always turn the conversation into something inappropriate."

"How was that inappropriate? What were you thinking?"

She blushed even harder. How could he make me walk into his trap!


affectionately at

in relief. "I missed you

into each other's eyes. Without the misunderstanding, their hearts moved closer to each other like

he refused to let her go. Hence, she had no choice but to watch him

today, which was quite awkward

you up to

inside you for the

let out a foolish and sheepish laugh. True, she had wanted to ask him about his day, but she was worried that it would be inappropriate to poke her nose

"Chris disappeared."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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