"Uh... well..."

"Tell me, do I have any positive qualities?"

"Positive qualities?" She scratched her head, looking troubled. "I need time to think."

"Selena! Yard!"

"Shh! Speak softer! The kids are asleep!"

When the two were messing around, she suddenly wrapped her hands around his neck and asked, "Do you know the identity of Chris' biological father?"

Pierre shook his head. "I am still searching for him, but I don't know where to start because I have no information."

"According to the information from Jude, Helen once had a partner in the organization, and they had a good relationship. After she left, he worked for a little longer before leaving the organization. Do you think he could be our man? If that's the case, we have no way of finding him."

"I'd say it's possible."

ex never showed up? That is too weird. Does he not

Who knows what is actually happening behind all of these?" He stared at her. "Have you ever regretted marrying me?" he

in a playful manner. "I will follow in your footsteps no matter how


Chris, he had almost turned Astoria upside down. He had checked all

few days later, Juniper went for a checkup. Her report proved that she was fit to be discharged,

up the Fowler

had to deal with the members of the Fowler Family, who were making a scene again-they would not cut him some slack until the will was announced. Even when Juniper was warded, they showed no courtesy and once attempted to look for Pierre at the hospital. Thankfully, he


Juniper any distress.

not help but worry for him. "Pierre, there are only two of us here. Tell me the truth: Do you have the

unsure if

Fowler Family

John and Pierre had been on bad terms before the old man's death,

want to guess?" He winked at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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